I'm actually pleased to see all these people posting on this thread with a general understanding of a banking system. Kaw has come a long way.
I tried to run a bank once, got bored and had to farm battle list. My god my clan owner was pissed. i suck at being a bank or a spy.
Oh now I kinda get it. Thanks for the info guys. So it's basically a lot of players with a lot of gold all concentrating their gold together. One last question , what kind of stats do typical banks have?
Dawg. There no real typical stats. Certain accounts stick out like sore thumbs as a bank though. Usually mid sized hansels around my size is easily hidden. However, I use my hansels for war just because I like max contribution in strips. Which is why I use bars primarily. Allows me to be a versatile opponent during osw.
Some prefer sh/gh and others prefer big accounts. Gh/sh because they are sometimes to small for most clans to hit and big accounts because they can generate gold faster
Narwhal you caught me. Damn. Who can I strip with my 0 gold... Hmm. Also, I'm in an osw clan lol during an osw. Yep I'm a bank. Not 1 of my accounts is singly a bank. It's the way I put them all together that leads for a bank function. Which is why my bank system can never be stripped. You can all pieces of my bank at the same time and not damage my funds. Otherwise I would never have posted on this thread.
I don't like SH banks. It's too easy to take 1% a hit from them. Or 0.92% if your picky. I go for more mid sized. It reduces the loss per action.
I don't think plunder on a small bank is important.. If you want to EB with bank best to make it bigger.. If you see a gh or little sh with 100k it's kinda obvious it's a bank.. That gold gotta be somewhere