Strip Funds

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ForumDawg, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. Top ten eb clans are probably full of banks. 
  2. Shhhhhhhhhhhh
  3. ^Curtish is on forums. Is regs in osw :lol: you are never active in peace time. Lol
  4. In last rites, okay makes since, you are in an osw lol
  5. I'm actually pleased to see all these people posting on this thread with a general understanding of a banking system. Kaw has come a long way.
  6. I tried to run a bank once, got bored and had to farm battle list.

    My god my clan owner was pissed.  i suck at being a bank or a spy.
  7. Oh now I kinda get it. Thanks for the info guys. So it's basically a lot of players with a lot of gold all concentrating their gold together.

    One last question , what kind of stats do typical banks have?
  8. Any stats work. Gold is all they need.
  9. Dawg.

    There no real typical stats. Certain accounts stick out like sore thumbs as a bank though. Usually mid sized hansels around my size is easily hidden. However, I use my hansels for war just because I like max contribution in strips. Which is why I use bars primarily. Allows me to be a versatile opponent during osw.
  10. Some prefer sh/gh and others prefer big accounts. Gh/sh because they are sometimes to small for most clans to hit and big accounts because they can generate gold faster
  11. Pup Devil is a bank obv. Why else would he say his account is the size of banks?
  12. Narwhal you caught me. Damn. Who can I strip with my 0 gold... Hmm. Also, I'm in an osw clan lol during an osw. Yep I'm a bank.

     Not 1 of my accounts is singly a bank. It's the way I put them all together that leads for a bank function. Which is why my bank system can never be stripped. You can all pieces of my bank at the same time and not damage my funds.  Otherwise I would never have posted on this thread.
  13. You can hit all my banks a same time*
    Correction for paragraph 2 line 1 or line 2
  14. There is some great info in this thread. Good read 
  15. Best of. Too much awesome info to be lost.
  16. I don't like SH banks. It's too easy to take 1% a hit from them. Or 0.92% if your picky.
    I go for more mid sized. It reduces the loss per action.
  17. Did the GH nerf actually make people spend their strip funds on upgrading?
  18. I don't think plunder on a small bank is important.. If you want to EB with bank best to make it bigger.. If you see a gh or little sh with 100k it's kinda obvious it's a bank.. That gold gotta be somewhere
  19. I sell drugs to gather my strip funds