STRIKE FORCE WE relations 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IIIIIREVERSElllllCOWGIRLIIIII, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. Rising Hawks lost to Kings Castle :lol: Where is your point? :roll:
  2. We all win and lose lol, everyone loses at some point
  3. So you guys still looking for a partnership?
  4. :eek: !
  5. Lol I've been trying to war with them for yonks. So take them up on their offer so I get a chance for once
  6. Nick-We lost AP in a classic war outmatched in strength and numbers and it was close all war so mucky you irrelevant nub dont come into our thread and try to bash us cuz ur a nobody whose been rejected from here tons of times jealous of our success?! i know you are :cool:
  7. Muckster was either pointing out that you are not undefeated this season or he didn't notice that this post happened before your first loss. Not sure which is the case.
  8. Rising Hawks haven't lost
  9.  ^the stupidity is strong with that one
  10. Lies and slander u lost to ancient prestige
  11. Nick- Fate another noob that was kicked from here sighhh sorry Fate you cant come back we like to keep leaky builds far away :roll:
  12. Nick the worm acting like he's soo good.... hahaha he was talking **** in cc, saying RH was going to lose against a shitty ass clan, and they go win by 50b... smh you're dumb
  13. Nick- what does that have to with anything statless alt? NOTHING.
  14. we need extra warriors on CT Reborn
    we are doing all wars
  15. Wow, do people not know RH lost to kings castle a couple days ago? Their streak is over and it's time to start over lol
  16. Apparently one of our own isn't man enough that he posts with an alt? I thought we pride in ourselves because we don't care what people think, no need for statless alts.
  17. And by the way, this post was done before our loss, hate on it we were bad matched, yet the war was close all the way. Feel the need to post about it? Look at the date before making yourself look like a complete ass(fate, muck)
  18. Only sore losers say it's a bad match 
  19. You war at minas.. Nobody cares about you or your opinions on ee.

    - Elite.