By your own admission you "died" In forum as Merlynd. Now you come in as dragon and offer forum a repeat performance. Youre so sure your advice is solid, yet you haven't got the success or experience to back it up. Sigh........... Your hopeless.
That's how to be a NICE forumer, not a good and respected forumer. Btw, CAPTAIN OBVIOUS ENFORCES JUSTICE ONCE AGAIN ON THE FORM OF AN OBVIOUS THREAD! Dadadada!
And Dragon. You officially branded yourself as "King of Noobs". Yes, you called yourself that numerous times, yet you make a thread about "Success"? Wasn't a bad guide though stop and think before you post. You obviously want mod. Believe it or not, creating one decent thread isnt going to gain you tremendous amounts of respect, nor make players believe you should be mod. Its all in the posts, not the threads.
Yo People! Break This Up! ___________________________________ by ZE_TronLegacy On This Day, On This Time Yo Guys I've been in enough fights to know what happens.
___________________________________ by b12345blue On This Day, On This Time Sticky This Thread! :roll: :mrgreen: :lol: