Strategy to forum success.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Merlyn, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. Yes it's a nice guide dude. Gonna be tough to get the newbies to flock here tho 
  2. Thanks guys.
  3. You want a real moosey critique? Hang on. I will compose one for you.
  4. "a small introduction?"

  5. Great guide! :) desreves a sticky
  6. In your exuberance to share your knowledge you have taken 2 long guides and mashed them into 1 very very long guide, thus taking this thread off topic before any one in forum ever could. Separate them.

    Now, to the real critique...........
    Your premise is flawed from the start when it comes to foruming, so all your advice is "radio active" if the premise is flawed, all supporting evidence will fall down. What specifically am I talking about?
    You are giving out tips on how to become popular! (face palm)
    You should come to forum because it is enjoyable and fun. If you come here in the hopes of gaining fame and popularity you will fail. Every player I have seen TRY to become "popular" has failed. Just be your self.

    Now I'm gonna break down your points on gaining fame and why I disagree with them.

    You stated that you should post frequently to gain popularity. This is terrible advice. Look at Swabia. He hardly posts at all, and he enjoys the respect of forum. Okc and morik the rogue also have plenty of friends, but they aren't there posting away on every thread, trying to be seen. Martyn is another example that comes to mind. I don't think I have seen him do more than 5 posts total this week, but he is well known and respected.

    Next up: you want players to stand out by using signatures and bb codes. Really??? The successful forumers that ive observed used colors and signatures because it amused them. They certainly didn't do it so people would "look at them".
    Example: Wulf and MissMelon always post excellently (and infrequently). Claiming that they are known for their colors (pink and green) is disrespectful. They would be known regardless of color.

    Finally, let's talk about forum fame.
    I don't believe it's real. Players who are "famous" are simply very social people. They are well known because they have many friends. They don't have many friends because they are well known. See the difference?

    So, how do you get many friends??? I suggest aggressively using your pm button. I'm my game all the fun is in pm. Believe it or not, I spend more time pming players than I do foruming. When I wake up and drink coffer I may have 30 or more messages to reply to. Why? Because I pm them first, or because we crossed paths in other ways. (battle list, wars, cc, what ever)

    In summation
    Please please please don't advise players to "seek popularity" in forum
    Because that is a shallow game. And if you want friends, use the pm button. Trying to make friends by "posting a lot and trying to stand out" will earn you scorn, not friends.
  7. In your exuberance to share your knowledge you have taken 2 long guides and mashed them into 1 very very long guide, thus taking this thread off topic before any one in forum ever could. Separate them.

    Now, to the real critique...........
    Your premise is flawed from the start when it comes to foruming, so all your advice is "radio active" if the premise is flawed, all supporting evidence will fall down. What specifically am I talking about?
    You are giving out tips on how to become popular! (face palm)
    You should come to forum because it is enjoyable and fun. If you come here in the hopes of gaining fame and popularity you will fail. Every player I have seen TRY to become "popular" has failed. Just be your self.

    Now I'm gonna break down your points on gaining fame and why I disagree with them.

    You stated that you should post frequently to gain popularity. This is terrible advice. Look at Swabia. He hardly posts at all, and he enjoys the respect of forum. Okc and morik the rogue also have plenty of friends, but they aren't there posting away on every thread, trying to be seen. Martyn is another example that comes to mind. I don't think I have seen him do more than 5 posts total this week, but he is well known and respected.

    Next up: you want players to stand out by using signatures and bb codes. Really??? The successful forumers that ive observed used colors and signatures because it amused them. They certainly didn't do it so people would "look at them".
    Example: Wulf and MissMelon always post excellently (and infrequently). Claiming that they are known for their colors (pink and green) is disrespectful. They would be known regardless of color.

    Finally, let's talk about forum fame.
    I don't believe it's real. Players who are "famous" are simply very social people. They are well known because they have many friends. They don't have many friends because they are well known. See the difference?

    So, how do you get many friends??? I suggest aggressively using your pm button. I'm my game all the fun is in pm. Believe it or not, I spend more time pming players than I do foruming. When I wake up and drink coffer I may have 30 or more messages to reply to. Why? Because I pm them first, or because we crossed paths in other ways. (battle list, wars, cc, what ever)

    In summation
    Please please please don't advise players to "seek popularity" in forum
    Because that is a shallow game. And if you want friends, use the pm button. Trying to make friends by "posting a lot and trying to stand out" will earn you scorn, not friends.
  8. Sorry for the double post
  9. So, let me get this straight. A person of no respect on forums makes a thread on how to succeed?
  10. Alas dragon/merlynd
    You have tipped your hand by the very nature of your guide. You made this not to be "useful" but instead made it to be "noticed". Your premise betrayed you.
  11. You put a picture of quest under the word ATTACK
  12. I saw a few mistakes just skimming. You should proofread it.
  13. Good guide actually, but people can figure the game out without it with little effort.
  14. Merlynd
    What do you think of my page 3 critique?
  15. Honestly this is sad.

    Be yourself in forums. Theres no secret strategy... How often do you play this game??
  16. Posting often won't make people respect you any more than if you post 3 times a week. It's all about QUALITY.
  17. I'd like to order 2 hardcover
  18. Well thought out and said, good job moose. You have the respect of the forums, and mine. But in your critic, correct me if I'm wrong, that my guide can't tell you what it is trying to no matter how I change it.

    Now my question to you is, is this so unlike war strategies. I didn't say this is the only way you can become popular. This isn't the only way it works. So, if someone followed my advice, would they succeed.

    Color and bbcodes was to be seen, not respected. Any questions?
  19. I hope that's not a serious statement. That's kind of... A mean statement. You're pretty much saying "If no one notices you, you're a useless nobody." :(