Story sigh up

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *chris54657 (01), Aug 22, 2010.

  1. Name:angus(boy
    weapon:throwing knife
    personality:strong,brave,friendly,a little evil(read bio 4 info)
    bio(best 4 last)
    I'm angus, a 27 boy and I grew up in a little camp, a clearing in the middle of the forest, there I learnt how to survive with a hunting knife, for around twelve years I lived hard, sharpininf my senses, untill the day I fleed away in the middle on tge night. I did not go far I stayed just on the outside of the camp in a burrow hidden by a branch that I found last year
    it was now or never I could choose either to walk back into my family or run to the city where I could make a living

    I choose to run to the city.
    I was soon lost in the forest untill I found a local who gavee map to help me on my way to the city, I killed him later because word could somehow get back

    I found a rusty throwing knife in the soil of a farm Which I spent a long time learning how to use it to the best way possible.

    Soon at the city I started doing dirty deeds
    I started a bussiness I started earning thousands a week

  2. Thank you for now
  3. Who's gonna be the leaders?
  4. Name ghost

    Side good

    Weapons hidden blades scilenced m21 ebr scilenced scar stealth

    doesn't remember anything but how to kill was once a govener for peace still trying to remember who he is
  5. Pesonality quiet and still not done with bio likes a girl but she doesn't know it named kimmy
  6. When does this start?
  7. Name: Capt. Mort Silvens
    Weapon: Silenced M14 EBR and Silenced ACR with blue tiger camoflauge.
    Personality: Cool, Trustworthy
    Bio: I am a good support sniper in a ghillie suit. I snipe extremly well and Im good with an ACR. I'm also a good meelee fighter.
  8. Oh yeah
    Side: Good
  9. Name Luke
    Side Good (possibly leader?)
    Weapons 2 swords and a bow and arrows
    Appearance Tall lean Dirty blonde hair blue eyes
    Bio Luke was raised as a no1. He learned to fight on the streets at a young age. He was taken in by a noble and learned to become a knight
  10. Actually change weapons to sword and shield and bow
  11. Name:Shady
    Weapon:Black 2 handed sword
    Bio: Abondoned as a kid, forced learn to survive on his own since 10 years old now 16 with amazig sword skills, his black 2h is always with him
    apperence: medium height, medium length brown hair with dark brown eyes, with an athletic built body
  12. Is this modern or medival times? Ppl are talkin about both this is very confusing
  13. He's on the evil side btw
  15. Tantilus I don't think this story is taking place in modern times
  16. dude theryre were no gangs in old times
  17. Then someone has to ask
  18. Ain't doin it