Story Countdown - Devs be warned

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by cheesemuffin, Dec 22, 2010.

  1. Awwwe poor admin he lived a good life.....semicolon frowny face
  2. Did you even read the story? ๎„ˆ
  3. Yeah u stabbed him in heart and said u hav authority in reality
  4. No authority*
  5. it sounds very interesting
  6. NOTe - not everyone is in every chapter.
  7. My God.....Benny is the devil๎„‡
  8. Benny, read pleesh. I love having mod read my stuff... I feel popular
  9. Ackkkk! Benny IS the DEVIL!!!!! Please tell me I fight him!! Please please please!!
  10. I like the prologues
  11. Dear Benny, your charecter rox!!!
  12. Maybe... Hehe

    and please dont post in the story. I haven't stressed it enough
  13. I wanna b the revolution second in command
  14. I will reveal the roles as the story continues.
  15. Dude Wouldnt Kaw admin be Devil???
  16. Sort of. KaW_Admin is supposed to look like a giant demon. Or, in your perception, the devil
  17. Hm I think we should hav cursed dragons.....unless u already read my mind and thought to put that in๎„‡
  18. Te story will explain everything as it goes on
  19. ๎‘ nobody has read non-living yet. Read it and post feed back. It's just preview.