Stop with the Regurgitated Events

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IllIll_BlackHandLegion_IllIlI, Jul 9, 2015.

  1. Yeah the events aren't really events, it's like every week.. The devs are being deceptive on purpose..

    It's time to try swinging maybe? We all seem to be at that point in our relationship with kaw.. Time to find something a little younger and fresher

  2. You're*

  3. Support make an event for pvp!!
  4. Suggest a new event that doesn't involve hitting an eb or this boring style of pvp, because I really don't think there is much else they can do on a tap tap game.
  5. No support
  6. Support. Events are killing clan wars. Give us our game back!
  7. They put more effort into the equip than the actual event
  8. Shut up dropkick
  9. Support
  10. Like one massive clan brawl? Cause that idea sounds fantastic.
  11. A knockout 1v1 tournament, winner takes all. Be better than farmfest with equip.
  12. Hey remember when you noobs cried pvp was broken in kaw?
    Well the devs gave you pvp plus pvp incentives now it's a problem? Sure they made it an "event" to boost their bottom line it's kinda their job/business..... Let's gripe about it now
    Any idiot can complain come up with a better solution that's s viable model maybe they'll implement it derp
  13. Everything you say is pretty much a ball of dumb.

    You and nighthawk should breed special Olympians.
  14. If I'm dumb that makes you dumber ;)
  15. No support, i like the way the events are, i havent participated in most but when i actually come on and try it's pretty fun :D i enjoy where it's at and i feel it's exceptionally harsh of you to expect so much from the developers when it took them enough effort as it is to even get the pvp events in the first place.

  16. One of the few times ive ever agreed with you lel
  17. If you think about the bigger picture, those of you that are complaining about there not being enough pvp, or the pvp is boring. Anytime there is an event there's pvp blitzes. Lasting 6/14 days. That's the only reason I participate in these events.
  18. Support your OP legion
  19. Dear developers please do more of these events so I can get more bb ty.