Stop the 100 vs. 100 Weekend Indy Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IllIll_BlackHandLegion_IllIlI, Jan 26, 2015.

  1. You guys got destroyed
  2. Wc is always a must, wc gives orders and the war is won. I've seen terrible mismatches won with a good wc.
  3. Weekend indy wars are my fave. They are the most fun i think. They can be pretty wild. Keep it as is.

    No support.
  4. Shut the **** up :lol: , we both know you wouldn't have made this thread if you had won.
  5. That is 100% true
  6. I like the 100 man wars. Roster never reaches 100 anyways. Most i have seen was around 75-80. I also think at the the bracket OP is in, there are always moles or inactives. I started warring with my hansel and realized this. Best thing do is grow and join the Mid builds. They are less nooby *moonface*
  7. Lol we didn't have better rosters the people who weren't inactives were leaks including the wc I think our wc was a mole he volunteered way to fast.
  8. And regarding the kicking system all you got to do is make it majority vote everyone votes whether to kick a player or not and if majority wins then the player gets kicked.
  9. Support. There shoud be a mix of 100 men wars in weeks and weekends.
  10. They should bring back the 11- man wars too. Those were what encouraged more clans to war.
  11. At least in the larger cs wars you know who will wc. And most know the good ones from the bad. The wars are not 50/50. Any who does many wars will see that. Strategy and knowing build mechanics is the sure fire way to success.
  13. They aren't always like that. Happens once in a while. Get over it and wash your stinky black hands
  14. I love the big wars, just wish they were longer
  15. 2 days if 100man indi, 5 days of 15 man indi, it's not a huge deal. If more people war there will be less mismatches.
  16. Yes, the problem is these weekend 100 man wars are hurting war rather than helping the war cause.
  17. I cannot totally agree with the indi wars being 50/50. I cannot remember that last time I warred in one as the WC and tracker and lost...has been a while and I doubt I have been lucky that many times in a row. The only 50/50 I can think of is if the other side has a WC with a better plan than mine and has a good tracker to back their plan.

    I do like the 99 vs 99 wars (clans max out at 99) but I do not think it should be the only indi wars available on the weekends, maybe only on Saturday or only on Sunday. I also like the idea Your_Karma_Bill_Is_Due_Nooblet mentioned that if you cannot buy mith then the Wave of Conflict spell should not be available to you yet.

    I do not support stopping the 99 vs 99 player wars all together however I do support a small change in their scheduling.

    Just my 2 cents...Happy KAWing :D

    P.S. That war is an example of what happens when a WC tries to go for control in a big roster lower bracket indi war.