Stop the 100 vs. 100 Weekend Indy Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IllIll_BlackHandLegion_IllIlI, Jan 26, 2015.

  1. 100 vs 100 should be once a week only outta respect for the brave souls that wc and track them. A ton of work for a lot of strangers.
  2. I am and have been trying to war more often for the mith so I can gain enough for that mith equip, such as the soulreaper.
  3. Support, weekend was when i used to war but stopped cause of those huge stacks.
  4. You just hate them because you're in the **** bracket. Grow.
  5. Just because I'm in a lower bracket doesn't mean the wars should be a silly beat down like that.
  6. Even some clan wars you get destroyed so it happens everyone deals with inactive in indy.
  7. I won't farm you. You're a statless idiot who isn't worth my time.

    I have 6 people in my family, all of which have had iPhones for 5-6 years. Replacing them every 1-2 years on average, do the math on how many old devices I have acquired. Granted several broke or were lost.

    Tons of people have as many if not more than me. I'll make sure to watch for you to cast so I know when to sign up.
  8. I'm sure you will, I'm doing the next indy, don't forget to cast troll-man or whoever their names are.
  9. I would like to see longer wars. 2hr wars with 2 xstals like early wars were or the 4hr ones were fun. These little skirmish wars are fun, but dont compare to a longer battle.
  10. Rofl that's not even me you idiot. That's some idiot who added troll to their name to impersonate me in indy wars.

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I have 0 statless alts. Every account I have is a 4m hansel or bigger. Remember that.
  11. There's like 18 different troll accounts that I've seen war in this bracket, if somebody is that obsessed with you that they've made that many accounts, they should seek help
  12. Because troll is definitely an uncommon name for a statless alt.

    /end sarcasm
  13. The name troll isn't a rare name that only one person has...
  14. Proof troll-man isn't me you little noob

  15. the thing about the big indy war inactives is that normally it's the bottom 10 to 20 people which are statless or brand new accounts or accounts that haven't made it out of lowlands.I think since you have to have the mage to enchant war equipment with mith that players should not be allowed to cast for war until they have the mage unlocked. this will help to stop people from creating accounts just for the purpose of disrupting War. if they have no skin in the game what's to stop them from doing it. at least this way if a player does decide to be an idiot it will at least cost them something.
  16. Ima_Troll
  17. support weekend wars suck and are full of moles and inactives not worth doing
  18. 100 v 100 are at best a crap shoot .. Asking/expecting me to set aside time and cash for a crap shoot ? No way in hell .. 100 v 100 are a joke ,undesirable , and discredit the ee system since they have absolutely nothing to do with strategy and more to do with who's gonna **** it up for everyone else or how can I sabotage this and b "cool" or what ever possible stupid reason people go inactive .. I refuse to partake in the farce of the 100 v 100 wars .. Hope all others do also .. U can keep the option I guess just don't make it the only option PLZ ..