The problem is allowing people to CHOOSE to war. The whole clan should be auto start so there will be inactives, there will be people at work , school, sleeping... But they will be matched on overall strength. The wars are to short , if they were much longer then one , two, or even five inactives won't matter. In real life, only half of the warring countries chose to war, and their warriors did not choose to war. The problem is choice. Remove that and there will be war࿂
Perhaps instead of complaining about matching a mostly SH/PS war roster stop fielding SH to avoid these matches? I believe there was an outcry that SH broke the system, ruined EE and was an exploit. But you have the nerve to call them exploiters? For all your mud-slinging you are just as bad as them in EE, both clans exploit the rosters.
I loved ee but dropping towers due to these reason not warring again till its fixed quit complaints get us nowhere so what's the point if enough stop warring it'll be changed eventually