All sh roster scumbags are killing ee but are so self centred all they care about is the mith n ignore the fact its killing ee... Well u better stock up cause this will be dealt with soon
What can i say. It's the idiots exploiting wars that destroyed the system and made players hate ee. Don't like the system don't ee then the exploiters have no rivals and ata have no income and either scrap ee or people revert back to growing. This game has become ridiculous that pathetic one month old builds have more use in wars than 2-4 year old wars. The solutions been suggested dozens of times. Devs won't change and players won't stop exploiting what's on offer. Ergo EE sucks New method for mith please. Cos I'm not spending on ee ever again.
Parsan sh lb rosters rosters killed ee first you fool. All sh rosters are the counterbalance to that. The only reason you may be complaining about all sh rosters is if you yourself war on rosters that stack sh with huge builds.
How is a roster full of sh exploiting ? They are warring as all small builds. You jerks are warring with seven small builds and four huge . TO GET AN EASIER MATCHUP. You're the exploiters and you always have been. Stop stacking sh if you don't want to face them! You people make me sick.
The reason it's an "exploit" is because the numbers make no sense, as I mentioned. Chubby if u have a point go right ahead and try again, ur like a child who wanders into the convo without any context of what's going on...
I would also like to call BS on "one person being unable to hit just requires a strategy readjustment" usually we call those people either "no-show" or a "leak" or both and those people are farmed for the following days or weeks. Having someone without a target for the entire war is the same as an inactive wouldn't you say? Time to farm the devs!
its an exploit u idiot how can clans 3x smaller match each other but also its a disgrace that noob builds like yours are welcomed into ee with open arms while builds that take 1-4 yearsare told to bolt thats whats sick n the sad thing is u are evento small for me to farm u ignorent moron
You idiots should be complaint about the matchup system itself. It allows these matchs to happen. Again don't use 7 sh to get an easier match, you're causing the matches.
My point is there have been 3 seasons of ee and the winning model clans have a few lb and many small gh or more recently Sh and that's the formula for winning.New strategies have been tried all ps etc...Instead of crying about it you too can stack the roster like the winners do it because the devs seem not to care to ride ee of the small build spy 3 seasons you can't figure this out? I don't like it either but this is how ees are Bobdole I'm sorry you fail so hard at ee don't take it personal
Chubby. I'm seriously laughing! U say tired different strategies and then say that there is only one winning strategy... Make up ur mind.
Spilatch makes a good point about the matchup system as well, we all know about naked wars or suddenly dropping allies, these are all also exploits and loopholes that allow an advantage in a situation that is supposedly "equally matched" but pretty much just laughable. Chubb even admits its a problem, then he waffles and says to join them... Only point here was and is that there is a known problem. Devs stepped in to "fix" the GH problem and have now created a new monster which is even worse. I sure hope their next fix isn't as good as this one!
Since u mention BFA, oh lover of cubbies, explain how I'm losing attacks to someone with less attack stats than my ADT, barely any equip, and almost 0 BFA? Ur the expert!