Discussion in 'Wars' started by *wali_2255 (01), Oct 27, 2012.

  1.  i'm not being brave i just love getting farmed 
  2. If you guys don't like me then farm me  stupid wimps !!
  3. Wali, you have no money out. Stop inflating your ego for being brave over 1k cash. If anyone wanted to do anything to you, they'd strip you.
  4. Orb - I'm organizing one, you in?
  5. You, me, patch, pup, makki, anyone else, WC, etc.
  6. I'll be designated pot burner :O
  7.  im feeling loved already 
  8. Wali, if you want to be hit, don't pin.
  9. Sounds good orb  Talk to pup and patches in cc, tell them Psalms is corrdinating tomorrow. 
  10.  im not there r others farming me to read my wall 
  11. Your wall tells me only 1 person is hitting you currently...
  12. Wali, if you're open, if we strip you will you not bank?
  13. then join in on the party !
  14. bank on what ?? i already dropped some pots yesterday so my clan could farm me 
  15. Says a lot about how strong your clan is...
  16. A sub? Nicely worded I thought you were going to say a comeback word but I guess not :lol:
  17. u wanna join the party in my news 