Stolen Clans

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Propasta, Jul 29, 2012.

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  1. Can I buy a can?
  2. Sure... For 1,000,000 mithril, 200 inferno, and 500 aqua ;)
  3. How bout 1mil gold lol
  4. Give it to him now please.
  6. I don't want no lousy hire lol
  7. @darkstar, now y u hafta be so mean to a wanderer? No more spy warning for YOU.
  8. Not true you can steal clans... Kaw stole the clan kaw from my dear friend and boss lady... Explain that one mods!!
  9. Clan and chips?

    Anyway clan stealing..sounds like your friend was one stupid mother fucker op..

    Firstly: why would he give ownership to someone he doesn't know/trust..

    Secondly: when your friend makes a clan...could I be owner fir just a second so I can get the achievement..
  10. OMG.... Common sense is so rare nowadays it's almost a superpower....

    Get A life, make a new clan...

    Or just quit the game... Kids nowadays are quitters anyway... And whiners... Go drink your milk and spare the rest of us from your whining...
  11. Clans cannot be stolen, ownership must be passed on voluntarily. That being said, do NOT give ownership OR admin to people you do not know/trust implicitly.

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