The pots I can support, this "mithril dust", I think you mean 1/100* since you can hit 20 successful hits in a regen and that'll make it to easy.
Question - how much does the defender lose ? Also I like this idea but would rather spy quest come out first (not that they ever will!)
Great idea but I think something would have to be given to attack builds too. Or else it would just be unfair :/
Hmmm... Your heart is in the right place in making these, but it would give too much power to spies. Try to think of something else this creative.
Support on everything EXCEPT the mithril stealing. This puts lower players at a risk of losing something that is very hard to obtain for them. Just recently I was stolen from over 200 times, and this just proves how much can be lost. This was only last night into today. Imagine if a whole clan was on a spy rampage.
Spies are balanced/borderline op. This would tip the scales and cause spies to do less dmg on assassinations(or revert the regenerations on full assassinations increase), less gold gained on steals, etc. No support.