Static Defence Discussion

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Corinthian, Sep 9, 2011.

  1. Interesting math. One wonders when we get back to a war mode in this game if we shall see more Towers. It could be a good move for hybrids moving from Hansel to a more PvE or real war build.
  2. I got bored reading it. I hate reading stuff that has anon people in it. But I think I get the drift of what you want.
  3. Just wondering how ratios pan out with added bonuses of pro packs and reset bonuses on previous figures given or combination of these types of permanent bonuses.
  4. they just give more combined stats at whatever percentage bonus you have it at, so if you have a 25% attack bonus at 100 attack, in battle it calculates at 125 for you. Defensive Fortress' are still bad with packs.
  5. Yes and no. Yes you will likely see builds take 1-2 of each type of fortress. No, you won't see much past that since titans vs towers win rate isn't too different, unless those players are constantly hitting near pin (Not at pin or below since then you are DTW and just need Attack. Not from full since troops vs fortress gap is the least there, and if you arn't getting hit hard, why are you getting fortresses?)
  6. So would you reccomend a tower or an SoS?
  7. I think we shall have to see especially with PvE and how the bosses hit back but I'm going to HL complete (4 lands left) and then I'm going hybrid so I was thinking 1 fortress for each type plenty of SoS and attack buildings. But the fortress may go in towards the back end of my construction phase. But yeah - I agree - they're gonna be icing on a cake not the cake itself.
  8. Dilly, hopefully he recommends a tower bc I just built one lol
  9. With highlands rolled out , I would have thought towers would already be a part of most people's builds... Maybe after next update, when People have more incentive to focus on strategy then on plunder.
  10. Thanks Cor.

    I think I understood most of it.

    I for one would like to see the def tower bring it's ratio up, even if it involved a fourth level, as I feel it doesn't make enough of an impact against t4 builds. Maybe even if it was brought in line to 0.75?

    Hope I haven't just gone completely in the wrong direction, but as a user of towers I think they could do with a little "boost"!
  11. Sorry Cor, I still love you, but if I read that it's really gonna waste my credit
  12. Me? I'd recommend 2 of each type of fortress but past that I wouldn't recommend it. That said, I saw a fairly interesting build in the ASW with 10 Lookout Fortress L3, but Lookouts are the type that are in a good place and that build is an exception, not the norm. However, whatever works for you.

    On this discussion of static defense in general I'll post the numbers condensed and maybe some testing results I've been running when I'm mostly done there.
  13. Nothing else needs to be said... But
    I will say t2 spy towers are very key in wars. Especially once you have opposing osfs pinned. Very hard for them to spy successfully under or just above pin
  14. My statement bugs me here.
    I hadn't factored in for highlands at the time of this posting, and 2 was on the low end in any case.
    I'd say 4-8 defensive fortresses. No more, no less. Also, really don't advise building these things at all at the moment to be honest unless you're a pure spy looking to hold allies.