State of the Union Address/Health Care

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nathan_WINNING, Jan 21, 2015.

  1. Re: State of the Union Address

    I'm more of a nerdy dude. And the US is generally quite self absorbed in its own perceived grandeur, perhaps we have a narrow view also.
  2. Re: State of the Union Address

    I picture you as an ignorant idiot, who only believes what his TV screen tells him, and has never experienced any part of the world outside of his little hometown.

    Fairs fair.
  3. Re: State of the Union Address

    Everyone has a narrow view, they go with what they think is right, and that's that. Nothing else matters. Pretty uncommon to find otherwise.
  4. Re: State of the Union Address

  5. Re: State of the Union Address

    Fair is fair. Although I'm from the Baltimore/DC metro area mostly. My time in Richmond and Pennyslvania were pretty much country living. My apartment in Nashville was fun. Nothing like the Tennessee women. Murfressboro Road can be a enlightening experience. If you know what I mean.

    If it's not Northern Virginia or Maryland I prefer the south central Pennyslvania. The Gettyburg area is pleasant. The resort town I live by now is quite boring in the winter months. Too cold.

    And yes. I believe espn. Every word.
  6. Re: State of the Union Address

    If you think Obama is a Marxist you really - but really - need to take Politics 100 - even the health care system he tried to bring in does not compare to the Canadian model, let alone to the Swedish or Norwegian ones.

    It is ok to dislike a person's politics but you should use the appropriate terms.

    I for one do not see why people should not have affordable health care based on a country-wide insurance system, an affordable educational system so that students from all walks of life can aspire to an education - which one of the critical variable linked to achieving middle class status, fair wages for people so that there is less poverty at the bottom.

    But hey, call me (and Canadian, Scandinavian, British, Dutch, German, French, etc. people) crazy and enjoy limited access to health care, education and job opportunities.
  7. Re: State of the Union Address

  8. Re: State of the Union Address

    Do you think the people are self absorbed in grandeur, or just absorbed by life in one of the worlds most advanced societies? Trying to keep up with the Joneses so to speak.

    I see most people as too self conscience about themselves to be grandiose in nature.

    Self absorbed. Ok. Maybe not so much in grandeur? But in a sub conscience feeling of inadequacy.
  9. Re: State of the Union Address

    What do you mean by that?

    One of the societies with the highest percentage of people with higher education?
    One of the societies with the highest percentage of healthy, in shape people?
    One of the societies with the highest degree of multicultural and racial stability?
    One of the societies with the highest percentage of happy citizens?
    One of the societies with the lowest percentage of violent crimes?
    One of the societies with the lowest rates of incarceration of its own citizens?
    One of the societies with the highest percentage of people owning their own home?
    One of the societies with the highest degree of gender equality?
    One of the societies with the highest participation of its citizens in cultural endeavour?
  10. Re: State of the Union Address

    Didn't the 14th or 15th Amendment get rid of the Three-fifths Compromise?

    The Constitution might not be written by the hand of God, but it has protected our rights for over two centuries, does protect our rights, and will continue to protect our rights.

    The check the 9th and 10th Amendment; they have to do with the power of the central government and how it is not unlimited. That's saved America so much trouble, and if it is gotten rid of we wouldn't necessarily be free people anymore, the government would have more control than they already do.
  11. Re: State of the Union Address

    Absorbed by life in our own little bubble.. While much of the world starves or falls victim to disease. While we pollute its oceans, cut down its forests and gut its minerals.. Sigh.

    Also, Finland and Canada 

    I do love cheeseburgers though. And steak. And hotdogs. As much as I dislike extreme nationalism, I enjoy the 4th of July. Grilled meat paradise.
  12. Re: State of the Union Address

    so. i'm watching the rerun of the address. and obama said something like, "i don't have any more campaigns to run".

    *applause from the republicans*. (because they have made a habit of being assholes during these, ever since "you lie" earned a ton of campaign contributions)

    then he smirks and says, "i know because i won them both".

    *standing ovation from dems* (because obama just ***** slapped the republicans for being assholes during the state of the union again)

    the whole thing was surreal.
  13. Re: State of the Union Address

    Word, that's awesome 

    Also, the Civil War Amendments did help promote equality. But given how long it took to get to them... And that a Civil Right's Movement was still needed 100 years after that, and now 50 years after THAT...
  14. Re: State of the Union Address

    I think you can watch the rerun on the White House YouTube page. Probably should just subscribe.

    Page, channel whatever. I don't even have a Facebook thing.
  15. Re: State of the Union Address

    Also, the fact we need all those amendments just proves how flawed the original document was.

    ALSO.. Ashvar. Good comeback. Excellent. Couldn't have done it better 
  16. Re: State of the Union Address

    No it shows how fast we are advancing.
  17. Re: State of the Union Address

    i've never looked at the constitution as "flawed". it's a work in progress.
  18. Re: State of the Union Address

    They're flawed?!
    One does not simply outline the powers and rights of each and EVERY citizen/incumbent in America, as well as trade rights and a whole lot of other things as well.

    Just look at the Articles of Confederation. They were shorter and to the point, and failed for the most part. Even though that had nothing to do with length, it shows how much better the Constitution is, as it has lasted for so long.

    The Constitution is being amended all the time, yes, but it's the same general outline with the same rights and restrictions, and without it America wouldn't be a country.

    I'd like to see you come up with a better Constitution that won't have to be amended within 50 plus years.
  19. Re: State of the Union Address

    That DC bubble is one hell of a bubble. LA, New York eat your hearts out. :p
  20. Re: State of the Union Address

    The Constitution's outlining wasn't anywhere near that encompassing.

    Also, the Articles were flat out terrible. Mostly due to the inability to raise taxes. Improvement yes, but most if not all industrial nations are improvements compared to it.

    And fine, will write one then 