State of farming in KaW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IllI-Mookie-llII, Sep 29, 2012.

  1. All this drama over a simple question/opinion thread. On one hand it's kind of sad to see players derail other players threads. But on the other hand, this game is all about attacking/spying on other players, so it seems fitting in a way it was derailed by threats and hits and such..

  2. If they r dtw on steals and attacks assin them and it will open up for some steals
  3. But yes I love terrorizing eb noob esp with my 200cs alt then getting bigger players telling to stop and farming them with my main so so so fun makes me  all the time
  4. I stand corrected :shock:

    can't really say that this thread has been derailed since players are being farmed on this thread :?
  5. My apprentices all become eb noobs when I start them off with warring from the beginning :(
  6. Indeed you do. Lop has been hitting me since I posted lol. He thinks he's hurting me 
  7. I wanna be farmed and stripped please 

    Ps. I'll just upgrade
  8. Lol krack, I guess that was the topic of sorts wasn't it?

    Not sure if it was meant to be taken literally though..
  9. :lol: and you did what to hurt him? :lol: ahhh so much fun :lol:
  10. lol drgn, probably not, but when you post a farming thread how can you not expect any farming to take place? :lol:
  11. Lol, so true.
  12. I welcome the farming. That's why I play KaW. I didn't get these losses for nothing
  13. Hahaha. Mookie, I love you.
  14. Lol. Everyone loves mookie.
  15. The mighty lop has blocked me from his wall after I tried to give him my spy regen so he could pin me. Geez you can't help some people
  16. Nope, some people are uncureable.
  17. Ah, I love threads like these. Can I get some inc please? Any takers?

    *Please Note*
    These hits will be returned, as per policy, but you might get a friend out of it. ;)
  18. I like u mook u can stop by and osw with me anytime ;)