Starting Guide

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by xXP_3Xx_Truz_xXP_3Xx, Jan 10, 2011.

  1. Who is ghou????????
  2. Was supposed to be you. I tried to correct it but of course it didn't post.
  3. Lol...I got my first stickied thread lol
  4. That's what I'm talking about. Truzs is far better and you came here and said it couldve been better... Unless yours is perfect, don't say someoes else could be.
  5. bump btw i update mine every weekend
  6. Truz, I hope you've seen up there 
  7. Thank you for the support ghoomba and thank you trev for your ""Guide Expert Advice""
  8. Truz actually I like the guide .... Very nice....
  9. It's to late to change your mind.
  10. thank you
  11. Any topic suggestions?
  12. Idk. I'm jist really dissPpinted that his guide got a sticky. Nothing personal against him at all, but there are many guides out there that deserve it more.
  13. Maybe something abt allies.... Or owning allies... Im working on achievement guide ....u could do that if u like :)
  14. Then I'll do a NEWBIE GUIDE :)

    WAT I do is read all these Wonderful Guides and then I figure something out......
  15. Every guide ever written by dillybar. Absolutely brimming with perfect facts. Proven and tested and retested. Brilliantly worded and easy to follow. Raeki's grand guide, omg words can't describe. None are stickies... Except dilly's handbook and dictionary.
  16. Colonial is on green team... U have a mod now... :)
  17. I loved dilly's handbooks.... Raeki's was OK but not as well as Dillys
  18. Truz.... We are having our chat in this...

    Lol , that's fine more posts lol