*Starting Guide*

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 510, Jul 31, 2014.

  1. There is no such thing as a perm farm. Most people get bored after 2 days.
  2. Ahh kk 
  3. OP you should worry about your stats first because they suck.
  4. My stats? They suck?
  5. Stats don't mean a thing. Anyone can hit an EB and get fat
  6. They're good for a growing KaW enthusiast and if your talking about my wins to losses (which I doubt because yours are worse) its called not being an eb fairy and actually trying to wat
  7. Yes merk your stats are bad
  8. Don't listen to iron, he's a complete troll and attention seeker
  9. Since War is actually in the title I do it, I'm no eb fairy..
  10. Ok random xD just wandering what's he on because our stats are similar, despite his gain in battle wins and looses
  11. Merk you are an EB fairy.
  12. Pahaha! Throwing my own words back at me. I've probably got more war experience than you.
  13. Most of irons losses is from getting farmed, cause of his complete and utter stupidity.
  14. Suggested why my price is so much higher than yours? I'm not a silent keyboard basher like you in a clan doing 247 ebs, I fight/war and make friends
  15. XD nice one random
  16. Just looked at his wall and that's in fact correct
  17. Lol merk I haven't completed an EB in days.
  18. What OSW are you involved in right now?
  19. WiT. Go and check em out