this is the first pvp event that's been created. Be thankful the devs have listened and stop your bloody moaning
Well at least this explains why i woke up ,got on and found im being constantly farmed. Well that sure will take the fun out of the game. Question is do I quit the game perm or just till this is over.
I've done 4 bars and nothing. How dingy are these shards? Is it even worth it if I spend 4 full bars and still haven't gotten one
Does the opponents you attack/steal from have to be in a clan to recieve shards or if your not in a clan can you attack someone and recieve shards?
This is annoying. I WAS working on growing, but I guess now I have to put all my ******* money into items for the next two weeks. Thank you. So much. (Heavy sarcasm)
Devs can you make it possible to scout someone to see if they have lots or charts? This can make the hunt way more interesting
By far the best promo to date. I feel like I'm playing KaW circa 2010. Great work on this one Devs
so i have noticed 1 thing while i have been part of KaW events. people will ***** and whine about anything and everything. nothing is good enough. i have, however, seen more support for this event than the last 3 combined. to all u peeps that r complainin that u "didnt get a chance to bank gold"...THIS IS A WAR GAME not an EB game. Kingdoms at WAR. if u dont wanna lose ur gold u should bank it before u log off everytime. never know when ull b attacked. stop gripin bout losin ur gold and TAKE IT BACK FROM THE PEOPLE WHO STOLE IT!!! FIGHT ON! @ kaw_comm. thank you guys for this event. it has been long asked for by many many people. and it is an excellent plateform on which to base future events. i take back all the mean things i have said about you well a couple of them anyway
Oh yeah, can multiple fortuna blades be stolen an stacked? And are all players on BL active in this event (been given shards)?
Seriously you pay 6 bucks for 1 hour? That sounds like crap you can use a seal to stay in an hte clan for 5 days Increase the bloody duration