Back in the day? Come on now. KaW has changed infinitely. I started before there were plunder wars, when there was only 25 lands and BC was attainable (though hard). Things have changed. Mechs have changed. The heavy spenders advantages have gotten astronomical. The gap between LB and your average player might as well be a different game. Point being, it's ridiculous to compare current KaW promotions to "back in the day".
Example. Bob is 45cs. Bob hits Jane, who is 25 cs, and is giddy that he gets 25 shards per hit. Bob happily attacks and steals Jane every five minutes, winning 95% of the time. Bob now has a LOT of shards. Go Bob! Jane has been working on her battle list since the event started and managed to stack up 2000 shards. Bob spread the word to other that she pays well and now multiple accounts, all twice her size, are hitting her regularly. If she isn't pinned, her news is full. One night of sleep costs her 1000 shards. When trying to retaliate, she wins 2% of the time. That one win on Bob nets her 5 shards. Fun event. Complete waste of time if the Jane's of KaW want rewards for it. The shards will all trickle up. I hope this will be taken account in the future. It's pretty unbelievable no one thought of it or tested it before when deciding on the payout mech.
Look at my stats, I hit almost always people bigger than me as they pay better. It's just knowing who to hit and when.
Maybe consider for next pvp event being able to bank a certain percentage of your shards every few hours. Those banked are safe n will stay with you rest of event.
thanks decs fr giving us such a nice event even a noob like me is enjoying this event. hope to get some events like this in future also
Don't forget that Bob will wall Jane on a regular basis to laugh with Jane, because Bob , in his infinite wisdom, thinks that hitting the snot out of someone in a wheelchair is the summit of coolness ...
Bob will tell you this is "Kingdom at War" and not "Kingdom at Fairies" here it is cool to beat up people in wheelchair.
Frankly this event broke me. Developers devised an event to exploit weaker builds. The only ones thrilled are those who use there overwhelming strength to exploite the weak. Almost four years of devoted play, promoting this game to anyone who would listen. Buying nobs, xtal's pro pack so that I could enjoy playing with others and growing. All I can comment on KAW is it was a waste of time. This event accomplished one thing, destroy months of planning, saving and spending of nobs. So my fond farewells to my mates from Kings Army. Open for hits now, QueenLoida, DukeZzyzx, KapoKaiZen, Y---D8C3---Y, and OracleOfVenice. Devs you will steel no more of my time or money.
You're wrong, I'm loving this and I haven't hit anyone under me 2mcs unless they were a hansel. Also before you say you're not a target blah blah blah... I am. Every night when I rest my eyes on my pillow, I kiss 1k shards goodnight. For I have 3 retribution guys ganging up on me and one random pale horse so I wake up in the morning and work my way back up.
same here. ive enjoyed it. a few adjustments for future pvp events and it could be great. goodluck to everyone on their shard hunting.
The events been great But I think a long term event with larger req for prizes is dumb Keep them short and low req for Pvp events PvE nice and long and a bit higher req
I feel you on the math part I'm attacking said guy with 700k defense at around 2.9mill attack and losing with mith spell and the 2 top items for attack
Honestly devs I'm not even CLOSE to top 1000. 38MCS hits me with blade and I lose 16 shards. That means he gets 32-48. How in the hell does it make sense for a guy 2.5 times my size to take over 3% of my shards per hit? Also I have not hit this guy, so why can a guy more than 20 MCS higher than me even hit me when I can't hit guys 10mcs below? Maybe think a little more about your algorithms before the next event.
Kaw_Creative, you did a great job with these. Sadly I probably won't get it. Kaw_Community, where is the Shark Epic Battle? Kaw_Admin, why do you turn down such good idea (Shark Epic Battle) ?