Starfall: Rush for the Shards

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 21, 2014.

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  1. You and everybody else, This event could spell the end of KaW
  2. Banking is a waste of gold when you're trying to convert your build
  3. This event is by far the best the Devs have came up with lol
    I got failed strip for 22b? Haha only took 2b from me just shows the community is rusty at PvP it's really fun returning hits and going at it
  4. :| fine. don't bank your gold. let someone take it instead.
  5. Best promo of the year. Finally something pvp based. Funny reading all the butthurt posts from the eb fairies.
  6. Easy compromise ? Run these type events for 1 week only and run them every few months

    That gives eb people time between to adjust gives Pvp players the events they wanted

    Allows for balance and keeping people from being so uptight about getting hit in a war game

    Just a suggestion
  7. Kingdoms at War.

    Finally stuck to those 3 words. I love it.
  8. This is the worst idea ever.... Players that don't care to engage are forced to be attacked and stolen from by the game designers... Great way to lose players.... I wont be the first or the last.... If you want to have an event like this- allow players to opt in if they want to participate... Leave the rest of us out of it!
  9. Finally putting the war back into kingdom at war gj devs. Those who are whinning it's a war game get over yourself
  10. How can you stop the farming???? Loist 800 b
  11. If you only want to be attacked once a day go play clash of clans
  13. :lol:
  14. Well if devs where to create a LB list we would know who is hoarding all those shards but until then, get a taste or what another style of play and stop crying you'll have all the time you want to get what you lost back. :roll:
  15. Convert what build? You are converting from statless noob to what?
  16. What does spectral lantern do?
  17. The spincter lantern lights up a path for the rodents to escape
  18. This was how it used to be buddy, when the app first came out the only way to grow was quests and hitting other players

  19. They need to make a Leonardo Dicaprio emoji.
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