Who here other than me suspects that at least one Valentine Alt account is in the top 10, some secret account he has farming shards off his other accounts as they plunder them from everyone else?
Smalls should earn just as much shards as bigs that's not right they try just as hard as bigs with little chance of big rewards that's not a even field
It does give them incentive to grow though and continue to play and hopefully from the devs standpoint spend more money here.
decrep you're a loser. Butthurt because Fury taking all your shards..... Did u enjoy my blade for ten minutes before Baba took it back? Stop whining for 1v1, we all want to hit you. Why should only 1 get that fun? Atleast you didn't opt out like that ***** turlock and all his alts he must be sooooo happy he gets to eb in peace for a week. Opting out is ********. Devs make a kingdom at eb game for scared little boys like turlock