Starfall Leaderboard

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. Both of you please remain on topic to the post, and or bring your banter elsewhere. :geek:
  2. Sorry bob 
  3. Who here other than me suspects that at least one Valentine Alt account is in the top 10, some secret account he has farming shards off his other accounts as they plunder them from everyone else?
  4. Smalls should earn just as much shards as bigs that's not right they try just as hard as bigs with little chance of big rewards that's not a even field
  5. Well, the rewards earned are more suited to their size.
  6. It does give them incentive to grow though and continue to play and hopefully from the devs standpoint spend more money here.
  7. Agreed
  8. @kawadmin

    How often will you be posting LB? Im not even top 1k lol.
  9. Playing for years vs months is not even either
  10. How often will the leaderboard be updated?
  11. decrep you're a loser. Butthurt because Fury taking all your shards..... Did u enjoy my blade for ten minutes before Baba took it back? Stop whining for 1v1, we all want to hit you. Why should only 1 get that fun? Atleast you didn't opt out like that ***** turlock and all his alts he must be sooooo happy he gets to eb in peace for a week.

    Opting out is ********. Devs make a kingdom at eb game for scared little boys like turlock
  12. Bob if u say I'm off topic we cancel cf 
  13. Please post the names of top 100. Make this event competitive and not subpar.
  14. When is update?
  15. Wtf i have 332 shards small players r not growing
  16. i earn 1 shard by 6hits
  17. Pay ur dues n have a lil patience bro GL
  18. @ barcode
    Nice EB pin . Right on track for fury's track record .
    Always calling the kettle black
  19. when this will update?
  20. It updates every 24 how about you all wait until it has been 24 hours to update.