Starfall Leaderboard

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. They want to make sure that botting doesnt happen :)

    They gain nothing by targeting your dear poor dad. In fact, it hurts them. But they must be fair to everyone else

    Support to ATA for once
  2. They lose a lot, now they lose the money he spends, the money i spend, the money 3 of my brothers spend and the money my mother spends. And we assure you they will lose a lot more money because of this.

    Just because we kicked your clans ass during the event you already have a biased opinion. You don't know the're speaking from ignorance. Therefore, your words and opinion is not of value.
  3. I think lp is just venting some steam. If he really was taking ata to court, he certainly wouldn't be plastering it all over ata's kingdoms at war forum.

    This situation really highlights what's really important here.

    How do you make those lanterns we won work?
  4. :| Im unaware of any such ass kicking as I received 0 inc from Fury.

    Despite my ignorance, I applaud the action the devs took at banning him. Even if there was no botting, the account was on for 72+ hrs straight

    If not bot, then account sharing which is equally bannable. Take your pick :)
  5. @selfie

    Go to Marketplace. Purchase the Lantern for 5000 gold

  6. I'm not speaking for fury, i'm speaking for myself.
  7. I found Black Swan dtw almost as often as a banked PS. To steals as well as attacks.

    Only other thing I can think of is heavy meth usage?

  8. There are 3 people in my fam who went for top 10 in the event. We decided to pull all nighters together from monday- friday. We did the following: A) kept eachother up. B) played xbox. C) set 8 minute timers and ensured eachother that we would wake eachother up to pin. Out of the 3 of us he slept the least. I got a total of 5-6hr of sleep the whole event collectively setting timers. I was in pin for 72 hours yet i am not banned ? I only came up once (which costed me 4.5k shards).
  9. im more interested in how there were even enough people paying out such large quantities of shards to support these monster amounts collected.
  10. What amazes me is people are this devoted to attempting to prove they're good at PvP. Maybe compensating for something?
  11. i dont think this event proved much of anything on how good you are at pvp. it did prove we have a strong demand for this play style.

    Edit: that sounded wrong. wasnt supossed to come off as taking away from the other qualities that were required to accomplish lb positions.
  12. Tron is Champ 
  13. noted, but we will forget who you are before the next post you make stating it.