Hit restrictions DO need tightening. Maybe that would be more doable with the opt in suggested by MANY players before an event starts. Opt in and you can only hit builds 20% your size either way, TOTAL stats (including BFA and BFE) I've been smashed up by multiple people with more than I hve in stats in static defence.
This latest attempt at pvp is the worst event ever produced by ata there is many things wrong here, #1 32mil cs att builds hitting 2 - 3 -4 mil cs is outrageously ignorant#2 mathematically impossible according to build mechanics of entire system #3 major issues of no rules enforced #4 being hit continuously while at 0% troops 0% spies is downright a big problem#5 people should be refunded for all they purchased because the event is poorly thrown together without researching positive outcome and many will suffer due to the lack of rules enforced. We are not guinea pigs and should be respected due to the fact it is our cash that is being taken for an event that is a total disgrace to all involved #6 nice idea but no groundfloor preparation to oversee a major disaster and many flaws - besides the fact that many will seek vengence after event ends and no manner of control can prevent the mayhem this event has created in the kaw family of players#7farm wars should remain between players as a separate group and not involve each and every single player here# 8 oicu812 we have been duped and ripped off blatently all for ata to monopolize on gathering profits from failed attempts of creating new ways to enjoy this game#9 we are not fools and demand 100% respect since we as players deserve utmost respect and value for our hard earned cash #10 admit that u made a drastic mistake on this promo and show proper respect to us and refund our purchases for your lack of development in designing an obvious disaster at our expense
Did ata reduce the age restriction even lower than nine? Cause I'm seeing a lot of babies in these threads...
@Raggity This event was them trying out something, and what they've learned from this go around will be used to shape the next one. Many players, despite disagreeing with certain aspects, loved this event and were grateful for it. You decided to spend, you're not getting a refund. Tough mate, maybe you spend rashly, or at an unlucky time, but you clicked buy, and they delivered the product. Kingdoms at War, while obviously having many different valid playstyles that should be accounted for, is still a war game. Learn to dodge a few incoming hits, self pin and bank, or just opt out. But if you're going to complain, do it better. Don't whine and rage.
Your lack of knowledge of basic hit mechanics is obvious. Please clam the butthurt, read the game name again and come back. Almost everything you just said is flawed and holds no grounds.
This not the worst event at all what is wrong with you. This is the best event. This event is fair to all sizes. It's just a little easier to some people depending on sleep style/build choice. Tanks sleep a little lighter at night, but they aren't safe either. And there is no guarentee money will win this event for you. You can max xtal everyday until the last night then lose it all.
Considering it's kingdoms at war that seems right? There are different play styles to this game, the PvP, which you are dissing atm, and the eb fairy version, the pvp version obv. Still eb but they like that aspect which was there aince the beginning which EB's were not, Don't just start dissing another playstyle because you don't prefere it, if you don't wanna be hit play a different game
If it wasn't for the current osw my wonderful family are in I'd have reset an found a proper war app cause ata this sure as hell ain't what you call it an let's be honest "kingdom's that don't cry like girls and woose out at war" don't sound as fetching in the app stores. Ata you truly have became the biggest joke in gaming forums the world over an that's an achievement considering blizzard just screwed there patch.
Why the anger at the moment? PVP people can still play PvP. PvE people can still play PvE For the first time everyone has an option, with a few obvious flaws but Kaw_Admin said they will learn from this one and make the next one better.
til l now event was lots of fun, BUT now cella pham and other top lb think its ok to use bully tactics to farm mid lb and yes i am a mid lb as cella has at least 100x my bfa lol. if i farmed a sh i would be called a bully but top lb farming mid lb is ok, dev fix the ht ratio coz I'm quitting i have a rl i can't spend 24/7 on this to protect my account
as a real life dr, would you like me to be on kaw pinning if i had to do surgery on you ? just asking :lol: :lol:
This was my first time playing pvp and I gotta say the farmers killed it for me. 5 or so hits I can understand but getting hit 20x back to back is ridiculous. I was only 50 shards away from the first tier reward now I'm all the way down to 100 and dropping with no chance of hitting tier 1. I'm gonna go do something else KAW just lost my interest