Starfall Event Update

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. Seems like alot of whining from all the "warriors" because they have to hit players that can actually hit them back instead of only hitting eb fairies.
  2. This game has lost its warriors. Now all you have are EB fairies crying after getting hit. And here we were trying to get good things for PvP and trying to revive it. Oh well, people can't even take a few hits for fake gold on a tap tap game. What a bunch of sissies.
  3. so many people that were paying a steady amount of shards are opting out.

    you need to change the rewards structure further, devs.

    you didn't just cut the amount of time in half, took tens of thousands of shards out of circulation.
  4. Damn stupid changes. Fairylove is strong in Canada huh?-.-
  5. Wah wah boo hoo! Every other event has had an option to participate or not. Didn't want to collect fangs? Don't hit the ebs that drop the most. How many of you "warriors" have top tier equips from those events? How many have achievements do you have from those ebs? So the devs give people the the option, like you had, and you whine bc you can't hit them. Half the shards out of circulation? Well they took care of that by cutting the requirements in half. Shouldn't be able to hit ebs if you opt out? Maybe you should only hit the ebs that were available before they changed the game, oh, wait. Maybe you should sell all the buildings you got from hitting ebs. Or maybe you should just shut the hell up and play the game without whining. You sound like the poons whining about being hit. You don't like the game the way it changed? You have the same option to quit as everyone else. Feel free to see that I have not opted out so keep you pansy remarks to yourself and go play the game or go play CoD or Ass creed or Loony Toons or with yourself.
  6. Started with a 16, now I gotta 100 peas.

    Come on KaW
  7. That's total crap - you sold out KaW
  8. You just ruined the event devs. Idiots
  9. Devs REALLY? U can opt out to being hit? In a WARGAME???? After inventing EE this pvp event was the very best thing you did for KAW. Wc exploded, we made lots of new friends and enemies. Now the complaining eb fairies won. Shortening the event: yes I can relate to that. But the spell? Get ridd of it immediately, thats the worst thing u could do. This isnt Farmville.
  10. Callous, you are obviously missing the point. The point is that these players CAN on a regular day basis be attacked like this. Its suppose to be like this. Theres an option always to start an eb, but there isn't an option to not get hit.

    Deciding to opt out of eb promos did not disrupt the game.

    This opt out has disrupted the game. Farms and players in osw can opt out and just not be attacked and lay back whilst they werent even doing the promo.

    This decision was poorly created. Nobody should ever be able to not be attacked on Kingdoms at War.

    I am not against the opt out option, but it should have been made differently. Devs should have allowed players who opted out to not give shards and attacking them would give normal plunder. Their names would be a different color, and they would not be in the battle list.

    This is a slap in the face.
  11. What did yas expect? Those big spending lb eb fairies losing too much gold. I heard one guy woke up missing 34t he had out. Of course devs Will favour what they want more -.-
  12. I like the opt out method for those of us who do not want to do pvp. Would be nice if the opt out spell became a more permanent part of this game.
  13. I agree with the option on next PvP event to allow those of us who want to participate do so by buying a spell that would last the entire event. However, make it to where its in brackets of each other smalls hit smalls, mids hit mids, and bigs hit bigs. And agreed with what a couple of people said about the battle liat . remove all those that don't participate and replace it with the ones that so choose to. BTW I'm eb fairy who loves this event I haven't cried one bit. I actually enjoy this side of it.
  14. 
  15. Its a bull ****.
    I spend over 7 hours to get blade. Non stop only hit people with unprotected blade
    Use 2 crystal fully unload on them. Still didnt get blade for hours
    Once i got it. For 6 hour unload every 5-10 min staying pinn And lost blade just now on single hit when i was away from kaw for 14 min
    Just 1 hit in 6 hour and my blade gone
    Its ridiculous
    If you not sorting it out i am going out from this event
  16. Let me see if I understand this:

    You are suggestion that a war app, such as Kingdoms AT WAR, find a more permanent way to not allow WAR?

    Allow me to rephrase:

    Are you proposing we take the War out of Kingdoms at war?
  17. Only reason for me to be in this event iis Mythryll drop which only possible via blade
    Else i not interested in any thing else
    You can check my history
    In 6 hour just one hit and blade gone
    I hit many people with blade non stop 15-20 time and still didnt get blafe for 6-7 hours
    What u expect
  18. This is a WAR game. You don't opt out in war. If you do you end up dead.

  19. Do you know what KaW is abbreviated from?

    What kind of idiot idea is that?
  20. This is a war GAME... Using your own words. You usually don't end up dead after playing war games, but I might be playing them wrong.