This is an insult act. After damage has been done now DEVS are laying an option to quit and all your shards are forfeited? Let's declare this month a hitting spree yearly celebration for a commemoration of a victims of this hitting spree... Opt out means waving white flag
No Support!!! The Dev's give it and they take it away... Shame on you! If people want to opt out of war they should hit the reset button and pull CandyLand off their bedroom shelf and play that instead. This is a war game. We don't have the option of opting out of all the month long eb events that we all hate and are forced to endure! Why shorten the length of the event? You already gave them a free pass. I agree with Tara. There should be a wall of shame for these cowards. Dev's could put thumbs down emoji on either side of their user name. Like the stars they gave out for the ee wars over the summer. That way we don't have to waste our time trying to hit them and we can just move on to people with some guts. :roll:
Rather than an opt out mayb have an event page where players can apply. This page should also have a segregated BL with just participating players.. tbh there really shouldn't b an opt out tho
Tara is right. Listen to your old pride and joy. Remember when you guys got so hyped over wars, what happened??
You should also remove those who opt out from the battle list, so annoying trying to find a target with all the opt-outers in there. What's the point of BL if you can't even hit those on it???
Devs knew this was gonna happen, had opt out coded and ready. That means, this is prob NOT a success with them, cater to your precious eb fairies. This one of the best things you could've done for this game. No wonder some of your biggy war accounts are leaving, back to the endless monotony of epics (maybe). Accounts can't be hit for a week?? That's some bs, goes against everything this game stands for.
Awesome event so far devs . Great job on lowering the time frame and listening. Maybe next event there can be an opt in spell, that way all alliances all players know who they can farm and there will be a lot less crying and such. Or maybe incorporate knock outs and EE function into the event u knock someone out u take 50 shreds for all those players in hiding. Also another thought make it those that opt in can't hit ebs as we'll. but great job for listening to all the feed back for an event like this keep it up ☠₭ᎧϮʄع☢ ᏝᎧᎡᎠ