Star Wars Movie!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Aaron2, Oct 20, 2015.

  2. Vote for Chancellor Palpatine. He didn't die on the Death Star. He learned how to clone himself he will be in this movie.
  3. Yoda lived 900 years not thousands, he lived this long due to his species and their long life span. Revan is a human so could not live 900 years like yoda, nevermind the thousands of years he would need to have lived to be in the movie.
  4. My bet is on Darth Plagueis. If he was able to control midi-chlorians to save himself from dying, as Palpatine said, then he must still be alive.

    Note: there are always two, the master and the apprentice.

    We may just be seeing the apprentice.
  5. I always thought darth plagueous was a ruse by palpatine to get anakin to turn to the dark side.

    I've heard Luke plays a similar role to obi wan in a new hope. A hermit like character who is keeping an eye on things....

    I'm pretty excited to see what they've done. Hope they've moved away from the big effects of the prequels.
  6. I think its lukes son that turns bad and looks at the Darth Vader helmet. (Honestly i'm not a nerd)
  7. Palpatine said just not himself. He died.
  8. The rule of two died with Sidious, Darth Plagueis' Apprentice was Sidious, Sidious killed him in his sleep after he taught his pupil all he knew.
  9. Leia and Han's kids do, their twins Jacen and Janice Solo.
  10. Are there any more Sith Lords after Vader and Palpatine?
  11. Revan only lived about 300 some odd years before being killed, which was around 3900-3600 BBY Yoda died in 6 ABY which would put his birth at roughly 894 BBY still a few millennia after the Jedi Civil war and the restart of the Great Hyperspace War.
  12. Darth Revan didn't die, noob!

    He went into unknown space to find another Yoda.
  13. You fight and kill him numerous times in the Old Republic MMO which is the closest thing to a KotoR 3 to date.

    By the time of ToR we know the dark place Revan went to was where the true Sith Empire lie in wait for their chance at revenge for the Genocide that took place on Korriban 2000 year prior, Revan returned from unknown space after the Mandalorian Wars to weaken the Republic for the Sith Empire until he found the Star Forge and decided to turn against the Emperor (why he was incarcerated upon his return and hidden from the public eye to be tortured and questioned for the next 3 centuries) of course most of us knows how that ended.

    He returned to try and kill the Emperor and failed then was killed off by whomever you played as in ToR.
  14. I apologize, you are correct sir.
  15. ⛔️ Nerd alert ⛔️
  16. Warlock from destiny = Sith
  17. Where? :ugeek:
  18. calling people nerds in a fanstasy role playing game is just hypocritical. :lol: