Spy Banners... a new beginning for the Devs?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by catschrodinger, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. They all just mad because I block them, farm them, and won't cease fire. They can say what they want, but they all lining up in a row here to have a cry. Funny noobs.
  2. Translation:

    Troll threads n derail n speak crap

    At least the banners r out for those that called for them to be released.
  3. Wow. How long has it taken them to have proper balance on banners? It's a pathetically long amount of time. Maybe if they designed less pay-to-win events, this would be logical. The developers do one easy thing and everyone cheers? This is illogical. These could have easily been designed in a day, and probably were.
  4. What do u mean by proper?
    Hansels have many advantages already
  5. Proper in the form that they should release content that appeals to every build.

    Im not going to discuss fight mechanics on a thread about banners. Simply put: If attack builds got them, spy builds should have them, too. Obviously they agree, but it just took them a long time to realise that.
  6. /lock please. Low effort thread and no real use to the community.
  7. Sums up 90%of the at
  8. Cease fire? XD why would I want you to do that? you rarely get through so go ahead! IDC if you fail on me all the time I've doubled my size for the time you have been "farming" me lol. I don't think a decent farmer would let that happen.
  11. Arcananus I even farmed some idiot who threatened you and he whined more than you do. Morons
  12. Skinny sounds like an idiot, the post however is great. No complaints here OP
  13. Selfie shut up and leave my post before I get the mods involved. Last warning.
  14. threatened me? XD ohhh keyboard warriors
  15. Luckily this thread isn't derailed.

    Oh wait.
  16. I liek the spo bunners eh lawt dey rill hawt
  17. Great post Op, kinda sad that no matter what gets posted people will ALWAYS complain. Seriously, I understand spies were originally ment to supplement attack builds. However, while we have a few benefits no one ever talks about the disadvantages of being a spy build.

    1. Upgrades on Ll & Hl are more expensive

    2. More attack needed for ebs then spies or a lot of bfe/BFA

    3. Steals pay considerably less than attacks do per hit. (Eb wise & PvP wise w/o mith spell)

    4. Less stats for the same building amount.

    So there, while I personally enjoy my build (Hansel). I love coming to forums to see people complain about anything & everything. Support op keep up the good work.
  18. Listen you idiot. You asked me to leave at the beginning and I left. The last few pages, a parade of Mardi Gra noobs derailed your thread whining about me, and you are telling me to leave? Really.
    Your op is stupid. Get a spy banner, don't get a spy banner, who cares. Kaw's heading to the same place as gaw and future combat. They didn't want to believe it was coming either until it did. The developers have just learned from those 2 mistakes how to make the last big cash grab before the end.

    Don't let the distraction of a stupid spy banner that's a freebie fool you. This game is done and done.
  19. Please can u add upgrade to L3 on current banners as well? Hv lots of material that is useless at this stage as im at L2 already