Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Freide, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. then dont ug it
  2. They can't fix the att stats and not the spy stats.

  3. The difference is the troop stats were wrong. The spies are fine.
  4. Kezzer just because you say or think it is fine it doesn't make it so. I mean the way you say it is just so ( insert words) you are a brown nose searching for a mod position or vk. We might need exploratory equipment to pull you out if you get any further up there.
  5. Lvl 4 upgrade in highlands is crap. Same BS here yo
  6. Ok instead of me pointing out that the OP was wrong how about you prove to me why the spies need a boost on the level 10? Is it because it's less cost efficient than the level 9 upgrade?
  7. Does someone have a copy of the tables for both sets of builds? That would make it easy to compare and discuss.

  8. I have the spies info here

    What we really need is the troop building info for before and after the change.
  9. Adonis made a forum regarding attack troop stats. You can ask him. However if you look at kezzers stats for spies you will the difference in stats from 8 to 9 and 9 to 10. Also if you look at air lands and check if you have a level 8 to upgrade to 9 and then check a level 9 to 10 on troop difference etc etc.... It's a bunch of crap. 7T upgrade for that. Kezzers stuff shows 70K diff or something Idk I'm not calculating but 490mil to 500 mill basically haha.. Again Crap
  10. It's not a 70k overall increase. You're actually getting a 5m increase in cs for 7t. Look at the total cs column to see what cs you get from the building at that level. The cs increase column just shows how much of an increase you get compared to the previous level.
  11. Okay, it's fair enough that the bigs can post 'support' because this is an actual issue for them, but I see some people less than 80mcs.. Rly? 
  12. Level 8>9 was much more of an upgrade in Attack building then 9-10 that's y it was fixed spies 9-10 is a bigger upgrade not much but still bigger 
  13. And again if you look at it individually it's way less than from 8 to 9.
  14. Once again the level 10 spy upgrade isn't worse. I will spell it out for you very simply

    Level 8 spy building gives 6,949,320 cs
    Level 9 spy building gives 11,895,840 cs

    Notice how there is a difference of 4,946,520 cs which is what you have gained from the 5t upgrade.

    As said above the level 9 spy building gives 11,895,840 cs
    Level 10 spy building gives 16,920,640 cs

    Notice how there is a difference of 5,024,800 cs which is what you gained from the the 7t upgrade.

    Once again this shows that the 7t upgrade isn't worse than the 5t upgrade for the spy building which was the case for the troop buildings. Yes it's more efficient to upgrade the 5t instead of the 7t but as I have already said on this thread in every other tier there are some upgrades better than others.

    If you need any further explanation please ask but can you please stop falsely stating that the level 10 upgrade is worse. It's not worse it's just less cost efficient.
  15. So you want 600m hansels * rolls eyes*
  16. Still waiting for a table of troop building upgrades...

    Until then we're just blowing wind.