Spy Actions and your LB ranking

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. One player who has been cheated a lot by the devs is dawnstar. For a long time he had only attack buildings and no spy. Result is that although ally rank is 22 his overall is only 81.
  2. This is incredibly interesting... I honestly dont really like the fact that spy actions affect your LB ranking.
  3. I hope the devs are reading this. I don't mind actions ( spy or hit) to affect the lb, but the affect should be minimal. The idea a small build can overtake a hlbc player by scout spamming is just silly.
  4. Enlightening thread, let's hope the devs pay attention and maybe tweak LB during their next update
  5. Who ever said they wanted you to know the formula for lb calculation?
  6. They, as in the developers.
  7. @ des. Maybe they don't want us to know. ( afraid to expose their own incompetence).
  8. I just like to say that, just when you think the forums are polluted by mindless crap from teenagers and mod-worshippers, someone comes along who really cares about Kaw and writes a brilliant thread like this. I nominate it for thread of the year.
  9. @ des. Seriously? I don't believe anyone said they think that the devs devs want to tell players how the LB is calculated. In fact, many of us know from answered email that they do not want us to know.. Are you really suggesting that we not take exception to that? They put out a LB and a ranking system that gives many players something to aspire to.. Then they leave said players in the dark as to how they might go about climbing the ranks.. Why put it there if it is such a mystery as to how to get there or even what it means to be on it? As far as suggesting that players shouldn't question this, I say this. ATA is a business, KaW one of it's products, and players are the consumer. Ever heard the expression "the customer is always right"? That is not being said arrogantly or with notions of entitlement, but rather a true cliche when it comes to good business practice. Owning a business and having a consumer find issue with something, not to mention multiple consumers pointing out the same problem, the good businessman would make accommodations to satisfy a group of consumers, in order to keep their business. Keeping them in the dark about a feature offered to them is just bad business. This all feels like common sense stuff to me, but apparently not too common. Once again, I have given up on this feature of the game, and I suggest that if you all want to continue playing, consider forgetting about it as well. It is just a headache of frustration that the devs have made clear they are not going to change. But seeing this thread brings back my multiple emails about the subject, so wanted to add my two cents. Good luck to u all. Thx again OP
  10. I am just fine with things being a mystery, but now that this is out there it should really change - normalizing based on clears for spy actions sounds like a good idea. It's better for gameplay and hence better for monetization. No reason a scout should count as much as a steal.
  11. Lol well put. The devs are dishonest jerks. I call for clarity. Stop ignoring your customers.
  12. Yes some clarification would be nice. Especially when my wins and ally's are better then some in my clan. And there overall is 300 spots above mine. Are you really telling me cause they have a few k more scouts or assassinations then me. That they are ranked that much higher.
  13.  x 2 for clarity and common sense
    in LB calculations.
  14. Bump. I wanna see more clarification on this.
  15. Spy actions were brought in about march 2010 when a whole bunch of original spies ( including myself) complained that there was no recourse on the damage we were doing AG, Black Foxes, IG ( under leader ship of ecw) and I think mercs (under snakeca) brought it to the attention of ATA, we were told that spies were supposed to be a secondary style of play where as attack builds we're primary, anyway needless to say it was changed a long time ago.
    There are some very old forum posts dealing with this issue.
  16. Ratio back then was if I remember correctly 3 spy styled attacks equals 1 troop attack, however spying was not included just steals and assassinations... They may have changed the equation as about a year and a half ago Blackwolf and myself helped to get the assassination rates upped as well as the steal rates from 0.03 to 0.08...( still not enough in my opinion).
  17. Interesting diablo. So because a few spies were complaining the lb was ruined for everyone else.
  18. Seems like. Not to mention if your a spy you prob never gonna get very high on lb. nor should you.