Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlI-Il-Il-DaDragster-Il-Il-IlI, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. Somethings fishy.....that gold reward seems low......maybe....maybe its fake. I just dont trust the gold payout
  2. Always thought posting fake info was against TOU......
  3. Could be real actually. You just can't finish it to get those drops 
  4. You cant handle this Alcy...

    And Ban the devs!
  5. Btw spragga got banned from kaw way back before castle upgrades by telling ppl fake info about castle upgrades...
  6. who is spragga anyway
  7. Why would you ask that? We're all gonna die now.
  8. Spragga is everything
    Spragga is our mighty god
    He has more allies than redstar
    He has more alts than val
    He is more valuable than that FGT guy on lb
    And now... HE LIVES!!!!!
  9. @Devs - april fools! Yet another day for you to ignore all of the issues with KaW people have mentioned AND provided solutions for them, and instead make yet ANOTHER eb.

    Happy April Fools.
  10. i will slit spraggas throat and and rip out his heart and boil him in hot oil
  11. Would be great pay if spragga wasn't so tough 
  12. No. Like peanut oil
  13. Wtf is wrong with u devs
  14. Lmfao, all the EB fairies so curious and mad.

    It's an April fools joke, what else is there to it.
  15. This eb is so annoying! :eek:
  16. Eagle in PA got a successful action 
  17. Had anyone tried to just fail. Maybe there is victory in defeat
  19. Help. My main was banned after hitting this please reverse!!!!