
Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by The_Postman, Jun 2, 2016.

  1. Wednesday I went with my friend for her to get some jewelry for her piercing and I done how ended up spending $80 on a belly button piercing and jewelry and it hurts more than any other piercing I've ever had including my nipps
  2. The spontaneous thought I had upon reading above post and the response is being withheld to avoid violating tou. But wait...that's kinda spontaneous too so....;-)
  3. And your point is...? Not knowing what thought or what response I was thinking of making has no bearing on whether your a guy or not.
  4.  it's ok ur secret is safe with me we all get curious sometimes
  5. Nope,curiosity and kaw don't go together.Hell,the interweb & curiosity don't go together.Actually I'm a 113 yr old female trucker from Pennsyltucky who makes adult films and crochets in my spare time,so again;your point is..? :-D

  6. Sure you are 
  7. I started out tonight wanting some crack so I was headed over to P.G. County...

    ...but on a whim I've decided I want some PcP instead so I'm turning around and headed back to Barry Farms in D.C.

    I'll let you know how it turns out 
  8. Tbh I spontaneously just spent $145 dollar Victoria secret on stuff I didn't need and I don't even remember buying some of the stuff in mi bag
  9. Well, this one time at band camp...
  10. American pie reference is strong.

  11. What have you done with your flute balto?

  12. Let's leave that to the imagination