I have no problem at all losing a level of spell for leaving the clan we acquire it but when joining a sub clan or friends clan to help them finish an eb, something we ALL do once in awhile then y should we lose another level after leaving that clan which had nothing to do with you getting the spell. I do like KingZero idea better than mine but the premise is the same. don't punish us for helping other clans. I'm really surprised this idea doesn't have more support.
Because you dont get the idea of getting the "Estoc Edge" you dont get it as an individual, you get it as a clan as you all work together through wars.
What of ee bonus would only be valid in clan u got it, u leave a d it's gone, u come back and it's there? If u war with clan a and win 2x and another clan and win 4x, inside those clans u would get level 2 and level 4 bonus else where u get nothing, and spells should still expire if not renewed. This would prevent clan members mercing elsewhere to get bonuses then coming back to their normal clans to enjoy then till they are about to expire
There's failures in life. You've seen the ads on WC and thought "nobody cares!" before I'm sure. The point is it takes reputation to have a clan in the first place. If you're not good enough nobody will join (being a former noob clan owner I get it). If you need the help in an EB that means you need better management or you just aren't ready for that EB yet, if you want to talk to friends then there's a little thing called PM that's very handy. The point is even though you and other people may WANT to keep your EE and clan hop that's not what it's about. War for mith, that's fine. But don't go for the EE spell if you don't care enough to keep it.
Oh and the idea above me isn't bad. Still don't expect it to happen but not as bad as most of these ideas I've seen.
Purchasable by gold not mith... Why? You won mith in the war, use it if you don't want to lose the spell. Which, I believe is a pretty bad idea to begin with. It's there to promote loyalty. Something clan jumping doesn't do.
Just read zero's post. That's pretty reasonable, I'd support something along those lines. Idea one would help the inter clan family movers and probable be a rational idea.
I support King-Zero's first suggestion. I have already made that recommendation before. There are a lot of friends that come visit other clan to help support wars. I don't feel like they shouldn't be punished for going back to their home clan. Definitely do not support OP suggestion. They have invested a lot of money and time and should be able to reap the benefit of that hard work. This would create unity I both the warring clan and the home clan.
I 100% percent agree!! For those in big clans that have sub clans,or even ally clans, are stuck not being able to help them out! This allows you to help ur brother or sister clan out and the devs get their price by paying gold to keep we level!! This game is about being able to help ur ally clans and sub clans too after all!!
I agree it would help other familiy clans out friends when In need devs listen to the guys and give us wat we want plz as all will benefit
I'd prefer ptreey or zero's idea to my own. I was just laying out a basic plan but how the devs go about it idc. as far as buying a spell with mith, gold or no spell at all makes no difference to me. Don't get distracted by details of a late drunken thread post. I was just trying to convey sentiments I've heard from many friends on here. Friends I can now only talk to in pm since I can't visit their clans and actually make some new friends unless I wanna lose MY spell that I earned. What's wrong with me wanting to keep it? I'm not trying to abandon my clan by any means. Been here for years now and i love it but it'd be nice to visit others now and then without being punished.
I am a loyal clan member!! Unfortunatly im one of the only people here that likes to war. I do not want to leave clan permanently so I can war a few times a week. I go as a guest knowing I will loose the bonus thats how much I like my clan. I love the new ee war setup and I love to war im lucky I get to do both. Thanks devs for a great new war system no worries about the EE lost my clan is worth more to me. Peace Tom
I am a loyal clan member!! Unfortunatly im one of the only people here that likes to war. I do not want to leave clan permanently so I can war a few times a week. I go as a guest knowing I will loose the bonus thats how much I like my clan. I love the new ee war setup and I love to war im lucky I get to do both. Thanks devs for a great new war system no worries about the EE lost my clan is worth more to me. Peace Tom
Support this issue. Sounds good king zero's idea. It should be fair keep our estoc level in all the family clans. That's not against loyalty or unity.
Response to Moose. Should be able to leave clan without loosing EE edge. (Or only loose 1 when leave original clan). Reason: family clans, some clan families consist of multiple clans for noobs, growth, eq EBs etc. and as leaders in such clans it is expected that you may need to move to sub clans to help. I feel u should only loose 1 EE total not 1 every time u leave a clan.
as I read these threads with different ideas in how to make ee stay with you when you return to ur home clan how about ur we staying with the clan u win it with and if you return to said clan u get it back as most of us stay for all of the wars anyways we all run ebs in-between thus not losing the benefits that come along with it
I agree with Josiah! Its my bonus that I earned! While I am a loyal clan member, I do like to go help friends in war, but I lose bonus when I return home. All clans cannot get enough regulars to war