I guess it's also a way to stop wc spam but it still is just them making .99 every time because you need to get that wc message out and you can't just buy 1 nobility
Then pc users would get speakers and devs don't want it because "it's too easy to make pc accounts" I thought you had mods for spamming people????????? You can also talk to Runescape devs...they don't let two accounts on a single pc at the same time...so you can use that with them if they allow I guess....not a bad idea IMO if you don't let pc acc get speakers
Ummm... When u say stupid can u plz clarify why u said that XD I swear ppl don't have valid reasons for not supporting this-.-' because if they read it clearly I covered all their complaints within this write up... So if you took the time to read it then you would know the solutions to these comments. P.s. PLEASE READ THE WHOLE WRITE UP OR DONT LEAVE A stupid COMMENT IN response TO MY WRITE UP....because I clearly stated the different problems that you all might write to not support this idea but what I wrote clearly answers those comments...