Explanation: Plunder is based on comparable size between attacker and defender, the bigger the gap the more money made from successful attack. Now although spy buildings (guilds and SOS) gives more ally plunder than most buildings, they lack troop plunder. Now the difference In ally plunder between lv 4 guild and SOS is fairly large, the new gap between OSF and attacker is a lot smaller, so plunder drops. This is because SOS is around x4 bigger than lv 4 guild but it DOES NOT give x4 the ally plunder. I hope this clears it up and is correct.
SOS will decrease plunder for only 1 reasons. Your size relative to an osf has gotten larger. I have been doing a lot of studying on this situation and SOS are not as bad as they are made out. But if you don't have enough ally's to max your plunder. Or your growing larger in spy stats then your osf ( or even around the same size will go down ) it will decrease Only way to increase it is hit a larger osf.
Oh yeah 1 thing I forgot, for some reason when you get 2/3 of lands with SOS your plunder goes up supposedly.
SOS are only beneficial to plunder once you have 20 of them. At that point the SOS start producing more plunder. Anything under 20 SOS will lower plunder.
Yes they do but when you start getting closer stats to the osf it will go down allot it's best to keep guilds and save big in allies, then when they sell convert all SOS in one big go. I think....
There must have been another factor Vlad. Everytime I replaced a guild with an SOS my plunder went down.
I agree that you should stay with guilds. The plunder is much higher. That's what I am doing with my alt.
Idk Daniel I have been doing a bit of testing as well it's tough to determine the breaking point. But the first few you put up will increase your plunder. Then it will stay the same or go down a little. Then all of a sudden shoot back up. SOS are more complex then they appear. And this only happens as a hansel. As attack they always increase your plunder