First time i get realy mad for real in KAW. So what if he did hire your ally. Maybe its your turn to say you are soory Brospeth. I realy hope you get banned from the game Brospeth.
Hey Bro, to me it looks like your actually just gone onto the ally market, searched in "26,000" and hired everyone on the list... Great method for ally hiring :roll:
Op, be careful what you post, threatening life wise can get you silence or ban as its threatening other players, just say you gonna make him pay.
Was going to be a CF when he made a better post, on same thread I said another thread on accident, until you guys egged him on to hit me back... Which still hasn't happened
@white so you threaten to kill me then when I hit u, u ask I don't cause u just done EB, EB warriors lol