sorry bg and anna

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Forgiving_Warrior, Oct 1, 2015.

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  1. Cmon cant be tb oracle who walls everyone when they r warring
  2. ^ that she did. We all love you mrs spy. Can I be bgs second-in-command?
  3. Support
  4. U should've done it, great idea can't believe no one else ever tot of that
  5. Should of been honored to have the great spy as clan owner, Rookie mistake
  6. Thanckz four tha supportz Swift, maybee she cam helph u lurn ur abc'z n howl too gro
  7. Yes lol I think she was the crazy oracle on everyone's walls screaming " I got 3 lb for roster already , you went to be fourth ???. " Many at BG told me don't take her in Anna but I am big on giving people a chance. Wanted to make one less crazy spammer and one more good kawer. Oh well , you can't help some people 
  8. Juss teztin mi quotin skilz mrz spi tault meh
  9. Rudd in forumsss
  10. Cf granted :D .
  11. Using redstar next primal, eZ win he won't leak at all!
  12. English?
  13. If your legendary and you know it clap your hands (claps mrs spies hands)
  14. Leave
  15. Support
  16. I support your support.
  17. SS or it didn't happen :lol:
  18. Liar liar pants on fire!!!! 
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