
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lIlDlRIilZlZIYlIl_tHe-VALkyrIE, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. correct! The ss of what our tools look like is on my Guidelines thread. Essentially, we click the little red flag next to the offensive post, then nominate which breach it is relevant to.

    For walls, we again use the flag button for silencing, and usually follow up by deleting the post. This is for a few reasons, 1. To prevent the mod double-tap, and 2. To reduce impact of the post.

    As for removing the post for wc, I believe the simplest option is the best. Once you know the post has been acted on, a good chat will clear it away pretty fast. The community is a massive help with that.

    Thanks for posting the link Sean!
  2. Hii daphy. Good post Sean . Close thread ? Question answered :}
  3. Can' tell if trolling, but yeah. Grow a spine. Words shouldn' t hurt you and words on the internet even less so. Generation offended taking the reins, i forsee bodies getting hurt as retaliation for feelings getting hurt.