Some of my poems and thought

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by colonial, Dec 9, 2009.

  1. :p i remember this thread.
  2. And yes. Lol. The first poems thread to be created
  3. i heard this got deleted.... i guess not lol
  4. I wouldve been very angry if it was... Most of what I wrote is on my old broken iPod. Lol
  5. oic. all my wall art is on my stolen ipod. :( not quite as good as the poems tho lol....
  6. very much like that, UNSUNG HEROES. it's fantastic.
  7. U could put this in wall though just in case they get delated
  8. Do u mind other people post poems
  9. Nope. I've stated a long time ago that I encourage others to post
  10. I got a question..

    What really is considered as a poem? Something that rhymes? Or just sth that flows? Like what's the difference between writing a paragraph and then just splitting up the sentences into different lines, making it flow nicely compared to an actual poem?
  11. Untitled

    In the heat of battle
    They fight for their country
    Wounded or fallen
    Upholding the believes of their nation
    We salute your efforts
    We salute your courage
    We salute your sacrifice and determination

    You fight through your fear
    Fight for your colors
    Never have we seen men and woman like you
    We salute you
  12. That is a good question flame. I'm sorry I cannot answer that for you. I guess it's really in the readers, or writers perspective.
  13. Am I silenced here too

    haiku written by me.
  15. Director, I think you mean soaring not souring, thats what old milk does
  16. Flame, that's what it is to be poetic license.... If it flows rhymes or just sounds like a poem it's a poem if it follows a syllable pattern such as a haiku, or anything that you consider a poem.
  17. Lol... Ooops... Haa Haa.