some facts about unloading

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 0IoI0o-_-WhiteTooth-_-o0lol0, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. Seems legit
  2. One would have to test doing the same EB 36 times.


    On first Haunting, Assa once on top end, wait for eb to end, see what payout is.
    Lets say payout was 23mil.

    On second haunting you would have to assa twice, wait for eb to end, see what payout is.
    Lets say payout was 45mil. That means your second hit was only worth 22mil. (45-23)

    On third Haunting, assa three times, wait for eb to end, see what payout is.
    Lets say payout was 66mil. that means third hit was worth 21mil (66-45)

    continue until you find what last hit is worth, then you can use that data to find the percentage that best suits you.

    I would love someone to test this, i may over a weekend try it but i doubt it
  3. Yes this needs some proper testing.
  4. I see what you're saying with the triangle, but you would need to test to get the exact slope of the triangle, therefore your area calculations are incorrect. Test to see the angle first. Then do all of the math.
  5. Half this thread I had to skip over, cause I couldn't follow what was being said!
  6. Interesting thread, I will test this (also average pay per assas is 26m on haunts)

    What i can tell you for sure OP is you pay 2mil a steal  and have 4sdp lol

  7. I will furthermore add that it is not possible to test as the amount you earn per hit on haunting changes on your damage. ( this is because the % of damage you do to the EB helps to calculate your overall bonus). Because your damage is not static a fixed value it will vary.

    Also something to help prove my point. If your in a clan and everyone else unloads twice on a haunting and you Xtal to 5 unloads and it ends, you will not just make 5x what you normally make per unload you will have a bigger bonus at the end as the % of damage you did is larger then others so you receive a larger bonus. (I have tested this myself and found to be true).

    This is because there is a lump sum of cash that gets divided around people involved in clan based on I believe damage % amount of actions and type of actions.
  8. I don't think the angle is anything else but 45 degree.

    If one loses 10% spies, his payout for that very hit is 90% of his maximum. One to one ratio.

    Besides that, I don't think testing will bring more proof as in reality, there are too many variables. Almost everyone has static states from BAF, castle, pots, spells and eq. Hence for sure u guys will find the result otherwise.

    Using an extreme case, a hansel will start testing if his payout if attk follows my post. Then he will find all his attk pay the same. Static payout from static states matter a lot.

    Moreover we can never be sure the testers' method, unload pattern and so on are reliable. He may make mistakes unintentionally which cause the results go haywire.

    On top of that, a lot ppl will start criticizing others being too small or wrong EB or for whatsoever reason that makes the result unreliable.

    So save yourselves the trouble of testing. If u guys think it's logical then believe it. If not then don't.
  9. Who forgot the randomizer code? EVERYONE? Come on, everyone knows KaW has a randomizer, or else why would Joe the wandering villager screw up our BAMF spies?

    you can almost never get large, important, and reliable results. Remember when KaW admin said know one could get the KaW formula? why? because KaW has a randomizer code!

  10. I like the picture
  11. Wait this actually makes sense!
  12. His smart don't argue with him ;)
  13. This is straight up crap.

    Please show your math.

    The chart means nothing. I can make a pie graph that lies the other way. I'd like to see some screen shots of eb payouts that support this, or change the words in op from 'assassinate' (assumed to be on eb) to 'steal' (from another player)

    Ty for cooperating with the maths council on a better KaW
  14. Your absolutely right. Lol
  15. That's pretty good
  16. Its true but look how much time u have!!
  17. Ermm.. Why exactly a triangle? I know offensively when attacking it is a triangle (trapezoid if you include plunder bonus), but how are you getting a triangle? Why not a parabolic curve? Or anything else?