social media

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kissmyaxe, Apr 30, 2015.

  1. Nuh-uh
  2. Yes, it has lied to you.
  3. Thank you Narwhal, i know it is not the entire generation that is like this. However I mainly encounter more people who claim they have slept with my mom rather then show they actually have something useful To offer such as your comment
  4. Oh god, don't get me started with those people :lol:
  5. Nohaaa

    I've slept with your mum. Twice.
  6. Exhibit A
  7. You obviously don't see my sarcasm. :lol:
  8. I see it, just don't find it amusing...
  9. Oh, I may have forgotten to mention, very little people of this generation actually take things seriously on the Internet :lol:


    Sarcasm: This generation's most perfected art.
  10. I don't take it seriously lmao, that line just gets extremely old
  11. Sometimes, I take things a little too seriously on the Internet. :lol:
  12. Your mom got old after last night.

    lol I'm done, I had to
  13. :lol: Having a little bit to much fun Nar. Be nicer jeez. You'll never get Deafening Tyrant with that attitude ;) :lol:
  14. I mean, never expect us to actually answer something on the Internet (or irl) without some sarcasm, since obviously none of us know how to use it.
  15. What's sarcasm?
  16. Lol Narcissist someone like you would have to be EXTREMELY desperate to do that with someone of that age
  17. It's thing where you put a midget on your back it it sings to you.
  18. Thanks for the clarification :lol:
  19. Are you sure? I thought it was the theory that the sun rotates around the earth.

    and this is what happened when you put a group of us in the same room:p
  20. No Narwhal that would be grammar