So Long nd Goodnight

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_-_Arcanicus_-_-, Mar 29, 2015.

  1. Yeah that's the reason... the whole 4 inc I got from you made me hurt so much I just had to quit XD
    Arcanicus forced to retire after getting hit by saltyfeet 4 times.
    In other unrelated news a llama has been launched into space.
  3. People who are quitting just quit.

    People who are looking for attention make threads about quitting and don't quit.

    Reset your joke of a kingdom and just leave if you are serious. Otherwise this is just spam from a moron.

    Op is a joke.
  4. Who is OP? And why should I care?
  5. thread is a joke...

    ever heard of sarcasm?
  6. your biological father
    Not sure WHY you should care...
  7. You're far from my biological father, he struggles to send a text message, let alone operate a tap tap game and navigate the forums
  8. Rikki... I'm sorry but I have been secretly taking interweb usery classes behind your back. You are grounded.