Smaller Players Casting opt out spell

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlIX_Poison_Ivy_XIlI, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. They didn't war? Cause I'm pretty sure they did.

    I wasn't there, but I have heard great things about the old KaW, without EBs.
  2. Lmao. You weren't there. There were PWs until the payout started to be mithfrillz instead of gold. Do you truly think a lot of clans warred to get their gold? Why are there so many spies today? You see spies with loss stats that are jacked. And you see some that have stats of a powerful attack build. Have you ever thought of why that is?
  3. You guys insult the system today with EBs yet it was the exact same way with PWs. Granted it wasn't as inflated, but leave the PWs and it would've been. War was there to be entertaining. And it truly was without the mithfrillz. But it wasn't the go to way of making money.
  4. The good ones warred.
    Not everyone in this game takes the easy way.
  5. And yet we stand here with people complaining how strong the LB is. Don't they also EB? Don't they ally trade? They were just smarter than the rest who didn't take advantage of the free gold. Not only did they take advantage of it, but they used it to build themselves up. Not sit on a pile of crap.
  6. There were many wars back In old kaw, I was there. I was in many osw wars and yes, there were pwars, which was the eb of old(ish) kaw. Before that people fought each other, and sometimes pro-osfs would open up on wc and just hit the space bar to sell 1 pot at a time. Probably the mos famous of the old osfs who opened a lot is York.

    Shout out to York!
  7. I don't complain about the LB.
    they worked their way there and had their own problems, I'm sure.
    But I know many that don't remember a time when they were warring for fun. And I think that's sad.
  8. I was there too. And I merc'd abd grew and learned. But I had the chops to actually Di something. Back to OP, I'm not asking to disregard war completely from their kaw careers. Why not let them grow and pot up do they can war and not worry about no knowing mechanics or that they need to upgrade ASAP? When you war, you lose a lot in pots and xstals if that's the case. It's difficult to get that back at that level. They must be making at most 6-8mil a hit on anything whether it he EB or a person. You need to consider the losses for your clan. Not just that the experience would he nice when they can't even use the EEdge or the mithfrillz.

    If you guys can't see that point, then there really is no strategy or leadership in effect. And that to me is sad.