Smaller Players Casting opt out spell

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlIX_Poison_Ivy_XIlI, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Do you know what transferring gold is...

    Because you don't just dump it out onto another account. You're jut saying but is not reasonable when you can grow an alt with EBs easily. The beginner ones too. It all depends on the clan you're in to help you grow. Usually finding clans that are subclans to legitimate clans will ensure that everything is fine.

    Look at the clans Red Hawk and Night Hawk. both subclans but Global Expansion Hawk is the main. You have a goal. It's so easy to be guided by people who know what they're doing.
  2. Why would they pin smaller players and get almost no gold instead of pinning bigger players who have already made gold and will lose more when they get KO'd?
  3. Mithfrillz will take everything into consideration. And you seem to be thinking someone incredibly large will try to knock the less than 100k guys. I'm saying to be realistic. Once you get the castle up to mith levels, you'd go down the list. I also don't think it would be fair to have all of these small ass accts going to spam fail attack and pin a larger person.
  4. Mithfrillz payouts*
  5. Or mitril? lol anyway the point is no support for op
  6. My autocorrect legitimately corrects it to mithfrillz because I typed it up like that a couple times. Lol. I can't be bothered to change it lol
  7. Yes. I know what gold transferring is, and it's very expensive for one party doing it. You can find a good clan, but let's look at it from their POV.

    Hmm, I just downloaded this game because it looks fun, I wonder how to work it. Wow, all these buttons go somewhere and I'm very confused. Oh wow, I have 5 speakers and I see someone telling me on my wall to join their clan! I bet the have a great clan and are very mighty and strong, why not! Hmm, how do I join a clan... Oh that's how! Well hey look, people are buying me, I must be doing good! Wow, 50 million gold pieces, I'm rich! What's that clan leader? You say to hit the tier 3 eb and make money? Okay let me upgrade all I can from this 50 mil. Sweet, I'm 5k/5k attack/defense, I'm probably on the leader board already! Wow, I get 100k per hit from this eb?? That's barely anything compared to my 50mil... "volley me! Volley me! Hire me"

    They can't just KNOW what clan to join that will be most beneficial to them, they need to take time to learn the game and learn people. You're not going to just start, join an awesome and helpful clan, and get LC in a week. It's NOT going to happen.
  8. I don't think that they all should get the spells, I just thought it seemed a bit unfair if they already had lvl 1 or 2 EE.
  9. I created an account on my droid and was walled within 10 minutes. And that's not even going to world chat. Even if I wasn't, getting hired and actually growing SOME WAY would make it obvious that I was active. You underestimate kaw. An active person you can shape into an ally is a wonderful thing.
  10. They're leader screwed them over of they already had it and can't use it. It's not rocket science. You need to unlock it to use unlock it...

    Dear Lord.
  11. I know, in my POV of the new person I explained that you get walled right away, and you don't know what to think. Your first instinct is to join that clan because it sounds cool and fun to be in a clan. Look at players around my size and my build. I can make about 7bil a day doing hauntings, but players MUCH smaller (like when you're new) can't make near that much. I use items on haunting every chance I get, but small players can't do haunting unless they're very very lucky. It takes what.. 11-12 bil to LC? That will take them more than a week to get seeing as a maxed forge LC only gets a few mil per hit.
  12. shiz if you are telling them to put wars on hold and grow a little then you're retarted because thats what the people trying to cast the spell are trying to do!! :lol:
  13. 
  14. i cant see emoji since im on computer mike
  15. Supporting belle
  16. Please don't call me that word dear. Especially if you can't spell it. :)

    Also, how do you grow in this game as a noob? You EB. When you put on a spell, your intent is to stay in the clan. A clan can't cater to those that just sit there watching the war. War takes experience, yes. You can have a general idea of what happens but the experience makes a difference.

    So these guys are sitting there and taking notes. And can't grow through EB. It's like putting on a Haunting and not telling the small guys what pots to use.

    Pardon my assumption that they'll actually be there to watch the war happen.
  17. Shiz, how did they grow BEFORE ebs?
  18. They attacked people. Known as OSFs. KaW was never a dandy place. There were loopholes at every corner.