I disagree with this thread. You don't have to participate if you don't want to, those that have no self control, that's on them. They're not forcing you to spend anything, I haven't spent a dime on this game and I'm not planning to anytime soon. If you can't stop yourself then just delete the game & download it again when the promo is over.
Phooka , this Is just like the hte promos except you really don't need to buy anything . Unless you really want the gold boxes which are exclusive to the hte.other than that u just do your regular ebs and cast a spin top to choose your team. No effort needed except what u already do .
Don't want freebies? Don't opt-in. You are correct, people can choose to not participate and still be EB warriors.
I guess if the devs want to make money and be a successful business they will do as many promos as they want to profit the most.
Agreed 100%, I'm becoming promo fatigued, glad to see they've done away with the gambling aspect this time. It's a bit much for a 9 game.
Tracking payment trends show a 10-15k difference in app purchase sales when promo/events are going. If there isnt a promo for a while, the trend falls near 15k per day in sales. http://thinkgaming.com/app-sales-data/8 ... ms-at-war/
I think promos durin a server Maintence Is pointless - they should have waited til after they were all done
You're a bit pompous, aren't you? Who nominated you caretaker of other's behavior? My comment is perfectly relevant, and, in fact, is more intelligent than yours. Let's apply your logic elsewhere and see how it works: I have a friend who is a car junkie. I mean a serious addict to buying the newest and fastest thing he can afford. It is a bit silly to watch a grown man spend his money this way, in my opinion. His wife also agrees with me and it causes no end of strife for them. So, by your logic, car companies should decrease the frequency of new car releases so that he is less tempted to buy. Never mind the rest of the world who doesn't buy a new car every 12-18 months, we have to do what's best for this guy. Frankly, the fact that people can't control themselves isn't my problem. I suspect, however, that it is a problem you deal with. Just can't resist the Nov buys can you? Feel a little sweaty, kinda itchy? Tunnel vision, that's funny. The world is full of tunnels, best not be blind to the one you're in.
Easy your anology is a horrible comparison.car released 1 time a year promos are b2b now. Sorry i hurt your feelings bud . I need not comment on yout inteligence either you present my case for me. Dont wanna care take others either. You know what thet say about those who assume. But
These promos are ok because it's basically just additional cash. Helps the smaller players catch up and HFBC which is what is needed