Skyline {MGTD}

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -Kat, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. I dont need to reread anything from a troll :D
  2. The FF battle has been fought and lost many times before. I think because they're stories, people tend to keep making new posts to continue their story. Over time, this could cause AT to be flooded with FF folks adding content to their stories.

    Just repeating what I've read. Don't shoot the messenger. 
  3. My posts was about the story. Therefore on topic. Your post was about what you think you understood from my post. But its fine... I'm the troll. Whatever float your boat.
  4. Not the best troll if you ask me. Love the story very well planned
  5. I guess I'm going to have to be the contrarian here and say that I don't find this to be a very well-written piece. In terms of grammar and composition, there are just too many infractions that a seasoned writer shouldn't still be committing. Normally I wouldn't nitpick a story submitted to fan fiction, but since this is an entry into a contest I'm just stating my opinion that it falls short of a quality piece of fiction. I didn't care much for the story itself either, but i'm clearly not in the majority here. To each his/her own...
  6. And you opinion counts...why? It is obvious that she stated that this was quickly drawn together. I have seen Jester's writing and it is beautiful when she has fully reviewed it.