Skyline {MGTD}

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -Kat, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. It's a story.. read it and shut up. Or just don't read it.
  3. Good read
  4. Lol thanks
  5. To whoever moved my thread. Move it back.
  6. Great thread Jester! Obviously whoever did move it has no sack because they normally stamp with reason and the mod who did. You make the big bad mod tremble in fear!
  7. This is unquestionably FF.
  8. @cheese- yes it is, I know because I wrote it. However this is my entry for the Make a Good Thread day and fan fiction does not show in active topics. So, how is my thread supposed to get feedback if it cannot be seen?
  9. I see this thread in AT and it shows as being in Fan Fiction???
  10. Love it.

    Sad that half this thread is people arguing about the thread placement.

    Just keep your other thread in AT directing people here :)
  11. Black Mage GIF!
  12. A forum section should exist for stories like this and show up on AT.
  13. Very good read... Unfortunately you sabotage yourself. Instead promoting people to talk about your story you made them to talk about why your thread is in Fan fiction section of forums.
  14. Well nobody looks in fan fiction vlad, and Missmelon its been cut down because people were like "its too long" there's a good like 3-4 paragraphs more.
  15. Well i feel pitty for people who are getting tired after reading couple of paragraphs. Next time do comics to be easier for them.
    Anyway you could just post in your thread in AT a simple "My thread is considerd Fan Fiction therefore is not in AT but here is the link...". Could be more usefull for you if you just redirect them here and let them to talk about your story only.
  16. Thank you for your critique, I have changed it.

    And that is a contradictions as your previous post stated you liked it. Now, you are stating you don't. I can't draw but I can write. So I wrote it.
  17. I like the story. In first parahraph of my second post i was being sarcastic towards people complaining its to much to read.
  18. People complain about everything, it's human nature. They complain if things are too short, they complain if things are too long. One way or another they will find something to complain about.
  19. Erm Vlad comics ? Really I'd reckon to say your below intellectual standards if you can't read a measly paragraph. I mean I would assume you could read a sentence I dont want to strain your brain
  20. BLK read again my post. If you still don't understand read my last post.