Cool. and you must have done something right with this thread. Just look at all your lurkers. :shock: Good job, dude. Users browsing this forum: --Commando--, -BigVin-, -Charmed-, -Connavar, -HG-Ian, -ll--F--ll--A--ll--I--ll-, -SK-MaRcus-, 1GoDDeSS, ABSOLET, Aokiji-, arandomevent, awall16, A_Demons_Swagg, BaconMau5, BCW_BuyMoreBullets, Bowman60, CaptainAFKira, Chuck_Norriss_Beard, Clumsy-Smurf, count-kiakaha, crazydetail, CraZyNz, DartZorro, darzen, Death_Strike, Delmar009, draco73083, Eaglebone, Fennwick, FF_L4ND35KN3CHT_FF, grimreaper1959, gussamus, h0n3ybunny, H2H__Briseis__H2H, Hashishin, Hellrider11, Hornet99, hroerekr, Huma_Dragonsbaine, ii-Eurypharnyx-ii, IIIVladIII, IlI-KingKarlXII-IlI, IllxlII-KMAG-IIlxlIl, InkedMonkey, intheshadows, JamBarugi, jaywind, jerzun-alt, Justice, KaW_ChengGuan, KHAJIM, khan-KUBRAT, killeragent, KingBethesda, kopetsu, kpav04, Lead-The-Way, LetsPlay, LigHtInGsTrIkE, llIIllIStrike_of_DeathllIIlIII, llIllll___________lllIIlI_____, llxll_Angelus_xXx_Mortis_llxll, LordWagon_The_Immortal, LOTR___peppeZ___LOTR, l_TAL_I, Mainz, Majin_Vegeta, management, MaximusAraelius13, Megan18, MissyP, moyle, Mr_Blackout, msgrodja, nightstar1611, oace, OMETOTCHTJKT, OMETOTCHTLI, OMETOTCHTSKT, paxmandantilus, Piper1978, Queen_Violet, rcamb5, Resilient_CAS_CALEK, Resilient_Wadill-_-, Rhinoceros, RN-ZIGzag_, ROCKETRIDER, RogueEGL, RougeSoldier, rp_hellohireme_rp, rsmall, Safira, Sholron, SK-HitsugaToshiro-SK, SolarHell, TB-ZART-TB, TCW-Pajack-TCW, TherisHugeSword, Und3RWorLD, Vanguard-VII, Versagen25, VibrantRose, wishuwereme-MaCHiNE, X-WHR-Thanguriel-WHR-X, X-WHR-Winds-WHR-X, XIXCXIXHXIXAXIXMXIXPXIXSXIXAND, Xj3, XmemoryPR, xXxStrikeR, Yd-Wesexy-Yd, zapperator, ZF-Ugly, zoink, _StriPPeR-lIIIlIIIlllIIiIIlli-, __SCARS__, ___IIlK9lIIlFreddylIIlIlII____, _______IllIIllIlIlChL03_AyuMi_ and 21 guests
Fresh set. Users browsing this forum: --Commando--, --dark_knight--, --Red--, -Optimus_Prime-, -SK-MaRcus-, 1GoDDeSS, 3141592, abhifree, ALPHA_InigoMontoya, Aokiji-, awall16, BaconMau5, Bowman60, CaptainAFKira, CinnamonSugar, Clumsy-Smurf, count-kiakaha, cubfanbudman1, DartZorro, Death_Strike, Delmar009, demonkilla, dragonoma5656, Eagle, Eaglebone, ER-Bagheera, fluffles, Freefood, GiveMyKingdomBack, goldensack, Google [Bot], Greg65, h0n3ybunny, H2H__Briseis__H2H, Hashishin, HD_Spongecake18_HD, Hellrider11, HONEY-BOOBOO, Hornet99, hroerekr, IIIVladIII, IIRIIEIISISIITIIAIINllCIIEl, IlI-KingKarlXII-IlI, Illl-Nightmare-llll, IllxlII-KMAG-IIlxlIl, Il_xX-ScarIett-Xx_ll, intheshadows, jaywind, jerzun-alt, khan-KUBRAT, killeragent, kimjaned-z, KING--DAVID, KingBethesda, Kingdub, kopetsu, LetsPlay, lIClIIHlIIRlIIOlIINlIlOlIISlI, lIlllI-IRGrouchyNewbie-IllllIl, llxll_Angelus_xXx_Mortis_llxll, LostBandit, LOTR___peppeZ___LOTR, Magelyn, Majin_Vegeta, mFariz, MissyP, MIUlRIlSlItIIiIlMlIElIIlDlEIR, moyle, Mr_Blackout, msgrodja, MussyJams, nightstar1611, NVNighthawk_FPBO_1, nzen, N_C_U--UrzasApprentice, oace, OMETOTCHTLI, onin_2013, ONISectionlV, oO_SkyJK-SOF_Oo, papasky63, phartacusx, Phoenix, pking74, Queen_Violet, RN-ZIGzag_, ROCKETRIDER, RogueEGL, rp_hellohireme_rp, S0RRY-AB0uT-7H15, Safira, sergntkickass2, Shadowstrike12, Sholron, Solarflare23, SoulMateSky, suckoneathitis, superjstr, Th3-BL4cK_DR34D--Balerion, TheBloodGod666, thesexgod, Trapdaddy, Tryzack, Vanguard-VII, VEG_Dancers_Destiny, Versagen25, WhiteTiger420__II_S0uL_II__, wrest, X-WHR-Winds-WHR-X, XIXCXIXHXIXAXIXMXIXPXIXSXIXAND, Xllo_L_oIPEo_H_ollX, ZF-Ugly, zoink, _sTiNkFiSt_, _StriPPeR-lIIIlIIIlllIIiIIlli-, ___IIlK9lIIlFreddylIIlIlII____, _______Snowbladist_______ and 33 guests
True, Cheese, true. Now I think we should keep this between ourselves, not the strategy section. Adios. I'll see 'bout that comp, if it's available.
Glad to hear that, lol. Does anyone know if I can log in with my ATA account, instead if FB or Mochi? Also, can I create a new MochiGames account for KaW?
If your account is already linked to a PC account, you won't be able to change it. If you've never linked your account before, I recommend using mochi. Just create a new kaw account and use the "link iphone" option at the top, once you're done with the tutorial.
So let's say I want to link this account to a PC with Mochi. How would I do that, and can I do it from a browser on my mobile, if possible?
I already explained how to do it before. You can only do it on your mobile device if it's an Android that still supports flash.