Skorpios the Deathstalker

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by RenamedPhoenix, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. I took your advice, cheese.
  2. Cool.

    and you must have done something right with this thread. Just look at all your lurkers. :shock:

    Good job, dude.

    Users browsing this forum: --Commando--, -BigVin-, -Charmed-, -Connavar, -HG-Ian, -ll--F--ll--A--ll--I--ll-, -SK-MaRcus-, 1GoDDeSS, ABSOLET, Aokiji-, arandomevent, awall16, A_Demons_Swagg, BaconMau5, BCW_BuyMoreBullets, Bowman60, CaptainAFKira, Chuck_Norriss_Beard, Clumsy-Smurf, count-kiakaha, crazydetail, CraZyNz, DartZorro, darzen, Death_Strike, Delmar009, draco73083, Eaglebone, Fennwick, FF_L4ND35KN3CHT_FF, grimreaper1959, gussamus, h0n3ybunny, H2H__Briseis__H2H, Hashishin, Hellrider11, Hornet99, hroerekr, Huma_Dragonsbaine, ii-Eurypharnyx-ii, IIIVladIII, IlI-KingKarlXII-IlI, IllxlII-KMAG-IIlxlIl, InkedMonkey, intheshadows, JamBarugi, jaywind, jerzun-alt, Justice, KaW_ChengGuan, KHAJIM, khan-KUBRAT, killeragent, KingBethesda, kopetsu, kpav04, Lead-The-Way, LetsPlay, LigHtInGsTrIkE, llIIllIStrike_of_DeathllIIlIII, llIllll___________lllIIlI_____, llxll_Angelus_xXx_Mortis_llxll, LordWagon_The_Immortal, LOTR___peppeZ___LOTR, l_TAL_I, Mainz, Majin_Vegeta, management, MaximusAraelius13, Megan18, MissyP, moyle, Mr_Blackout, msgrodja, nightstar1611, oace, OMETOTCHTJKT, OMETOTCHTLI, OMETOTCHTSKT, paxmandantilus, Piper1978, Queen_Violet, rcamb5, Resilient_CAS_CALEK, Resilient_Wadill-_-, Rhinoceros, RN-ZIGzag_, ROCKETRIDER, RogueEGL, RougeSoldier, rp_hellohireme_rp, rsmall, Safira, Sholron, SK-HitsugaToshiro-SK, SolarHell, TB-ZART-TB, TCW-Pajack-TCW, TherisHugeSword, Und3RWorLD, Vanguard-VII, Versagen25, VibrantRose, wishuwereme-MaCHiNE, X-WHR-Thanguriel-WHR-X, X-WHR-Winds-WHR-X, XIXCXIXHXIXAXIXMXIXPXIXSXIXAND, Xj3, XmemoryPR, xXxStrikeR, Yd-Wesexy-Yd, zapperator, ZF-Ugly, zoink, _StriPPeR-lIIIlIIIlllIIiIIlli-, __SCARS__, ___IIlK9lIIlFreddylIIlIlII____, _______IllIIllIlIlChL03_AyuMi_ and 21 guests
  3. Lol.
    I think it means the forum, in general. Lol.
  4. Only 3 OMETs???
  5. Nope. Those are only the users browsing the strategy section of forums.
  6. Oh. Think I must be awesome. Thank you for confirming it. :)
  7. Fresh set.

    Users browsing this forum: --Commando--, --dark_knight--, --Red--, -Optimus_Prime-, -SK-MaRcus-, 1GoDDeSS, 3141592, abhifree, ALPHA_InigoMontoya, Aokiji-, awall16, BaconMau5, Bowman60, CaptainAFKira, CinnamonSugar, Clumsy-Smurf, count-kiakaha, cubfanbudman1, DartZorro, Death_Strike, Delmar009, demonkilla, dragonoma5656, Eagle, Eaglebone, ER-Bagheera, fluffles, Freefood, GiveMyKingdomBack, goldensack, Google [Bot], Greg65, h0n3ybunny, H2H__Briseis__H2H, Hashishin, HD_Spongecake18_HD, Hellrider11, HONEY-BOOBOO, Hornet99, hroerekr, IIIVladIII, IIRIIEIISISIITIIAIINllCIIEl, IlI-KingKarlXII-IlI, Illl-Nightmare-llll, IllxlII-KMAG-IIlxlIl, Il_xX-ScarIett-Xx_ll, intheshadows, jaywind, jerzun-alt, khan-KUBRAT, killeragent, kimjaned-z, KING--DAVID, KingBethesda, Kingdub, kopetsu, LetsPlay, lIClIIHlIIRlIIOlIINlIlOlIISlI, lIlllI-IRGrouchyNewbie-IllllIl, llxll_Angelus_xXx_Mortis_llxll, LostBandit, LOTR___peppeZ___LOTR, Magelyn, Majin_Vegeta, mFariz, MissyP, MIUlRIlSlItIIiIlMlIElIIlDlEIR, moyle, Mr_Blackout, msgrodja, MussyJams, nightstar1611, NVNighthawk_FPBO_1, nzen, N_C_U--UrzasApprentice, oace, OMETOTCHTLI, onin_2013, ONISectionlV, oO_SkyJK-SOF_Oo, papasky63, phartacusx, Phoenix, pking74, Queen_Violet, RN-ZIGzag_, ROCKETRIDER, RogueEGL, rp_hellohireme_rp, S0RRY-AB0uT-7H15, Safira, sergntkickass2, Shadowstrike12, Sholron, Solarflare23, SoulMateSky, suckoneathitis, superjstr, Th3-BL4cK_DR34D--Balerion, TheBloodGod666, thesexgod, Trapdaddy, Tryzack, Vanguard-VII, VEG_Dancers_Destiny, Versagen25, WhiteTiger420__II_S0uL_II__, wrest, X-WHR-Winds-WHR-X, XIXCXIXHXIXAXIXMXIXPXIXSXIXAND, Xllo_L_oIPEo_H_ollX, ZF-Ugly, zoink, _sTiNkFiSt_, _StriPPeR-lIIIlIIIlllIIiIIlli-, ___IIlK9lIIlFreddylIIlIlII____, _______Snowbladist_______ and 33 guests
  8. Absolutely.

    And those OMETs really do stick out, don't they? :lol:
  9. Just the Strategy section... Wow.
    How many clans am I spoiling this for, lol...
  10. PAGE 20 for the EB!
    HOPEFULLY updating soon. I just need that comp...
  11. True, Cheese, true.
    Now I think we should keep this between ourselves, not the strategy section. Adios. I'll see 'bout that comp, if it's available.
  12. I saw me!! And thanks btw 
  13. Lol I see my name! I feel so special. Not really, but whatever.
  14. Glad to hear that, lol.
    Does anyone know if I can log in with my ATA account, instead if FB or Mochi?
    Also, can I create a new MochiGames account for KaW?
  15. If your account is already linked to a PC account, you won't be able to change it.

    If you've never linked your account before, I recommend using mochi.

    Just create a new kaw account and use the "link iphone" option at the top, once you're done with the tutorial.
  16. How's the end bonus? Please let it be good
  17. So let's say I want to link this account to a PC with Mochi. How would I do that, and can I do it from a browser on my mobile, if possible?
  18. I already explained how to do it before.

    You can only do it on your mobile device if it's an Android that still supports flash.