SkinnyMinny vs stryker20 and his friends.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SkinnyMinny, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. When does it become more than an app Alison? When you've played it for 4 years? Everyday for 4 years? It's more than an app to you and many of Kaw's users
  2. If I had to war in the minor leagues with Saltyfeet I wouldn't brag about it and make threads
  3. Chubby and larry 
  4. Staying small to avoid hits? Bahahaha ur big ( literally. Too bad its mostly fat) and i can and have hit u countless times
  5. Its more than an app for u ( refering to ali)? Bahahaha. Its u who @ 5 am pst goes active. Every single day. And u crawl back to ur hole around 12-1 am
  6. Competitive game? Only a barrel of lard such as urself would think that
  7. Nothing to lose? Whats there to lose? Its an app u fatso
  8. I almost forgot...

    Minor leagues? Just shat up
  9. This thread no longer amuses me
  10. Thank god people are telling this fat lard OP
  12. Don't try and fuel this sack of shiit. If she tries to stand her legs will snap
  13. H4xor shut the **** up lame! Grow some balls and post with a main! Otherwise get ur scary ass vack in the basement.
  14. @ skinny on page 58

    But you did spend money... Quite a bit of money :|

    You bought your way to farm Nero and once everyone started hitting you, as chubby says, dropped build to escape everyone... Need I say more?
    You know it's true cos you don't even try to deny it babes 
  15. We've all spent a lot of money. Who gives a ****. Shut up and hit. Goin around in circles.
  16. You're wrong on both counts Wolfie.

    I'm not going to waste my time getting in an endless slinging match with you to prove so.

    You showed your true colors when you started posting screen shots of text messages to humiliate a girl, for no other reason than to truly humiliate her.

    I won't deal with you Wolfie. You're filth.

    When I'm ready to leave this game I'll post the screen shots I have of your skinny ugly filthy little head. Yes I've seen it. Thanks to roni, who you continually endeavour to humiliate through social media. " ain't that right gov " or "chav"

    Your friend with the bag on his head. What happened? Did yours fall off ?

    You ugly little maggot.
  17. Wolfy is truly disgusting
  18. Salt, post with your main scrub
  19. woIfie thinks hes a geezer i think hes a yob . Unicorn Unicorn ! wherefore art thou Unicorn ?!!